Music and emotions are like distant cousins.

Jan 23, 2007 02:57

I've been going through this little ride for a few years now. It's brought me to many places intellectually and emotionally.

Even physically.

Music can draw out any emotion you want it to. It's all subjective. I've found that simplicity is a key ingredient in producing an effect on the listener's emotions. You can play a few notes and make the listener anxious. Slow it down, add a few tweaks and an echo, you've got a listener reminiscing about the loves of his youth. Speed it up and up the gain, you've got anger and youthful aggression.

What am I trying to say? I can control your mind with a flick of the wrist and a couple frets covered in fingertips. All it takes is understanding. You have no control over how music makes you feel. Even the songs you hate, do you not feel anger when you hear them?

A bad song makes you cringe.

A bad song makes you cringe.

I can feel your tongue writhing from the bitter taste it engraves in the back of your throat.

"Your mine," he thought, "Now I've got you on the ride. No getting off till I say."

And he flicks his wrist, strums the strings, bangs the drums, screams a scream, and you can't help but be moved inside from the glory and passion you see in the eyes of the maker.

He has gripped your ears, he's got you.

The notes attack your ear drums like you've never experienced, could this really be heaven?

No, it's just woodstock. You took acid. You're not changing the world. The world is changing you.

And you go on a journey.

You drudge through the fields of golden grey and you pause for a moment.

You breathe.

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