Traces in the photos. Response to Ivan Kachanovsky regarding the events of February 20, 2014
| Print |Published on February 29, 2016
Mikhail Martinenko
This is the archived google English translation of an article originally published in Ukrainian language on the site of the international magazine named "Modern Ukraine". This English translation is very approximate since it is translated by the Google translate.
The article disproves and debunks Ivan Katchanovski claims that Maidan protesters allegedly were shot by other Maidan protesters and the misterious "maidan snipers" employed by the leadership of Maidan protest in Kiev in 2014 year. The author of the article made the conclusion: "...Ivan Kachanovsky's assertion that the Maidan activists allegedly shot themselves is based on the author's insufficient qualification in the field of criminology, arbitrary interpretation of the facts, or even their falsification."
The original publication of the article in Ukrainian language: the archived copy of the original publication: Further updates on Ivan Katchanovski's falsifications:
ttps:// Katchanovski is a falsifier of the Maidan massacre and contemporary history of Ukraine: