Ivan Katchanovski on pages 45 and 46 of his “research” paper of "The Maidan Massacre in Ukraine: Revelations from Trials and Government Investigations" states that the photo of Anatoliy Zhalovaha helmet shows an entry bullet hole in the right back area of the helmet:
https://rassian-fakes.livejournal.com/6722.htmlAccording to Ivan Katchanovski, the entry bullet hole in the right back area of the helmet means that Anatoliy Zhalovaha was shot from the Hotel Ukraina.
Actually, this photo
https://archive.ph/EkVFF shows bullet hole at the middle of the helmet forehead. If anyone closely scrutinizes and compares the enlarged Anatoliy Zhalovaha’s helmet on the photo with example helmets, he or she would see the front of the Anatoliy Zhalovaha’s helmet with bullet hole at the middle of the forehead. There are areas circled and numbered by “1, 2, 3, 4 , 5” on the Anatoliy Zhalovaha’s helmet and example helmets:
https://rassian-fakes.livejournal.com/6327.html The area with the distinctive snakelike helmet rim curvature close to the helmet front and circled by blue and red circles and marked by blue “5” number and red “2” number on the helmet pictures indicates the front part of the Anatoliy Zhalovaha helmet on the photo:
https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/rassian_fakes/78051020/42737/42737_900.jpg https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/rassian_fakes/78051020/46070/46070_900.jpg https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/rassian_fakes/78051020/40730/40730_900.jpg Ivan Katchanovski failed to explain how this allegedly entry bullet hole is located at the middle of the forehead on the photo if it entered, according to the Katchanovski “research”, behind the Anatoliy Zhalovaha’s right ear. Had this bullet hole was the entry bullet hole behind the Anatoliy Zhalovaha’s right ear, it would have been located somewhere near right bottom of the helmet at the spot circled by blue and red circles and marked by blue “5” number and red “2” on the helmet pictures, not at the middle top part of the helmet.
These set of photos compares the Anatoliy Zhalovaha’s helmet left side with a maidan protester's helmet right side:
https://rassian-fakes.livejournal.com/7513.html .The last two photos shows the distinctive snakelike helmet rim curvatures encircled by red circles on both helmets:
https://rassian-fakes.livejournal.com/7513.html Moreover, the Anatoliy Zhalovaha’s father in his testimony during court trial told that this photo contains the front of the Anatoliy Zhalovaha’s helmet with the bullet hole in the middle of the forehead. The Anatoliy Zhalovaha’s father pointed out that the bullet hole is concave, bulging inside the helmet, and it means that Anatoliy Zhalovaha was hit at the middle of his forehead (
https://youtu.be/4n0BFF8ZLxg?t=16053 4:27:33 - 4:29:20 ). According to the Anatoliy Zhalovaha’s father testimony, there was a small entry bullet hole at the Anatoliy Zhalovaha forehead and a big exit hole at the back of Anatoliy Zhalovaha head. (
https://youtu.be/4n0BFF8ZLxg?t=18875 , 5:14:35 - 5:15:20 ) Neither attorneys of five tried Berkut police members, no Berkut police members objected or questioned the Anatoliy Zhalovaha’s father testimony that this photo shows the front part of Anatoliy Zhalovaha’s helmet with the bullet hole at the middle of the forehead. But Ivan Katchanovski omitted this very important but inconvenient for his “research” testimony though he used this court trial video in his paper.
Ivan Katchanovski also omitted testimonies of prosecutors and a defense attorney. According to their testimonies, bullet that killed Anatoliy Zhalovaha was found, and a forensic investigation determined that this bullet was shot from the AK rifle of a Berkut police member who now is at large and wanted by Ukrainian authorities: (
https://youtu.be/4n0BFF8ZLxg?t=18172 5:02:52 - 5:04:40 ) The defense attorney Varfolomeyev of tried Berkut police members said that from this weapon of the Bercut police member were shot ten maidan protesters, including Anatoliy Zhalovaha (
https://youtu.be/4n0BFF8ZLxg?t=18377 5:06:18 - 5:08:06 , 5:07:10 ) But Ivan Katchanovski on pages 34, 35 of his research falsely states that these ten maidan protesters ( Kemsky, Korneev, Saienko, Zhalovaha, Shymko, Dmytriv, Ilkiv, Poliansky, and Smolensky ) were shot from the Hotel Ukraina.
This video on its 11 second shows how Anatoliy Zhalovaha was shot by the Berkut police member who was shooting behind the barricade:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBlPNRTcSm8&t=11s http://web.archive.org/web/20220418000643/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBlPNRTcSm8 Everyone can notice the movement of Anatoliy Zhalovaha after the moment he was shot. His body fell backward since he was hit by the bullet from the front, from the direction the Berkut police barricade. Had the bullet struck Anatoliy Zhalovaha from the Hotel Ukraina, he would have fell forward the video camera direction because the video camera was located in the Hotel Ukraina.
This video disproves the Ivan Kachanovski's claim that the moments of shootings of Maidan protesters are not synchronized with the moments of shootings from the rifles of the Berkut police unit.
(To be continued)
Further updates on Ivan Katchanovski's falsifications:
https://www.facebook.com/Ivan-Katchanovski-is-a-falsifier-of-the-contemporary-history-of-Ukraine-1449195048708622/(TO BE CONTINUED)
Ivan Katchanovski is a falsifier of the Maidan massacre and contemporary history of Ukraine:
http://ivan-katchanovski.blogspot.com/Author: Igor Romanenko