Another spam from me, sorry.
Awwwwwww, Jun looks so hot in every magazine! My heart can´t take it anymore. XDDD
The first picture which got me was from June issue of Duet, where Jun in tuxedo sits on sofa and in his hands is small box with a ring. *.*
-> my heart: ♥ ♥ ♥ /\/\/\./\./|_______________________________
Jun, when will you marry some nice girl??? *happy_waiting_mode*
Then another shock for my heart were scans from Wink Up. Again tuxedo. ♥ And then so cute face! Jun, how can you be so handsome?????
I am looking forward to new HnA episode, Jun should have interaction with a cute dog. *.* They are so lovely together...
And I could continue with cool Monster performance, I am really happy that I pre-ordered both CD versions. Jun looks so cool on the cover.
I wish the rumor about Jun´s summer dorama was true. m(._.)m
♥ ♥ ♥