It´s about school and magazine...
Yesterday I didn´t have to go to school at all, because all (3) teachers of my yesterday´s subjects were ill and there wasn´t anyone who would substitute them. Yay. I thought lucky! Because on Wednesday I come back at 8pm, therefore I thought it is good I can stay home to be refreshed for Thursday when I come back home after 9pm.
I knew about one Thursday´s cancelled lesson in the morning, therefore I could sleep more (I decided I would use 1hour for sleep and the rest for study). But today I got up (slightly after 8am), checked e-mail and what I didn´t see?! Another cancelled lessons! O.o Anytime I would be glad, but now it seems little scary - I don´t want to be sick. >..< So today I go to school just for 1 lesson (14.10 -15.45). Wow. *_*
I and mobile is something which never will work well together, I mean I use mobile phone just a little bit (not that I would lack knowledge) - I don´t see the mobile phone as a great benefit - I just use it for SMS, sometimes for calls. Oh, and sometimes as an alarm clock. But that´s all. I am really bad at recharging the battery, I usually tend to forget. XDD (Now I really understand why Jaejoong has so many MP3-Players, when he has problems to recharge batteries too. XDD)
So it wasn´t weird at all, if you couldn´t reach me for a week. XDD But anyone can reach me anytime by e-mail. ;) But I tried to get better, just on Tuesday I decided to visit another lecture which got longer this week, therefore I came home late (after 10pm) and tired. Next day I noticed that the mobile phone is unloaded, but it wasn´t immediately the signal for me to start looking for the charger. ^^'' But of course I forgot about it, because I tried to understand one grammar topic and then I wanted to enjoy my free time... So I found the charger today, but I thought I would die. XDD I immediately received at least 3 long messages which were sent on Tuesday. Grrr.
It is the general cussedness of things. >...< Why ALWAYS people write you or need something, when you don´t expect it at all or when you suddenly get free time or something happens. O.o W.E.I.R.D.
Another thing - has anyone from you checked the magazine Weekly the Television 26.02.2011- 04.03.2011? Did you notice the Juntoshi pics???? And then the group pictures around the table with meal...did your eyes follow Ohchan´s hand? (===>Juntoshi) XDDD
Matsujun looked there really lively. Eeeh...spring? XDDD