For 3 weeks I wanted to post an entry dedicated to Natsu Niji, because I had different thoughts and feelings during watching this dorama. This dorama influenced my life a lot, therefore I wrote this my review (today). Please expect that it will be mostly about my opinions...
You are welcome to share your opinions. :) Of course I can be wrong too, because nobody is perfect. ;)
I think it would be good to mention that you may have feeling (during reading this entry) that some my feelings are opposed to other my feelings, but it is caused that I am still confused by some things and I am not sure by everything what I have seen so far or that I am not able to express my feelings in words well. May be the final episode will bring new light into my feelings. ;)
But after all I FELL IN LOVE WITH Natsu Niji. ^__^
1. The synopsis, pictures, news and the trailer CM
I always thought that the trailer and synopsis should create an image for you, what you can expect, what you can see...
For example Smile - I got what I expected from the trailer. I know that trailers are sometimes confusing, especially about American movies, but I didn´t expect it is true about dorama preview as well. ^^'' That surprised me a lot...
I had feeling that Fuji TV gave a lot money for this beautiful Natsu Niji campaign (posters, trailer...), but somehow only at the beginning. You could say 'of course, it is Getsuku dorama', but I heard that this campaign was one of the most expensive, so I see it like it was something more special... :D
I read the synopsis again today. XD I think I read the one from D-A, but I will summarize the one that is on the D-A and wiki. :)
From the synopsis we got to know Taiga (2nd generation actor, tsundere, complex, mostly in TV shows, hobby - skydiving), little about the meeting of main heroes ♥ and then about Shiori´s character (cheerful, opposite of Taiga, older, spirited). And of course Taiga will fall in love with Shiori. And really beautiful comment - 'love story perfect for the summer'. *.....*
It was announced it would be romantic comedy. "Me: Oh, great! My most favourite genre. :D"
I saw beautiful first pictures of our pair Yuko×Jun, where they stand by the expensive car and they looked very cute and perfect together. Kyaa! ♥ I loved these pictures, because they looked very beautiful. I was happy that they had nice chemistry even on the pictures. It excited me a lot. I still remember the moment, when I was fangirling the pictures. (Jun looked hot, Yuko had special charm and gazed at Jun so nice, with caring and kind eyes).
Me: "It perfectly fits my image of dorama!" :D
Then we could have seen magazine pictures from the crank-in. ^^ Pictures of Jun in tuxedo ♥. And these pictures told more about the story. :)
Trailer. It absolutely stopped my heart. ♥♥♥ Such beautiful trailer - I have never seen something like that before. I think many people were amazed by the trailer. When you watched it, you were finally sure that they (Yuko+Jun) would definitely have very great chemistry. :D Yatta!
I love the scenes where Jun hugs Yuko, where they eat popcorn, where they stand close to each other. ♥___♥ Lovely! Perfect! They looked they really enjoyed shooting this CM and it is very nice how Yuko is smiling. :)
Script writer and director
Another information is about script writer and director, I don´t know the names, but when they mention their other dramas, I can expect some other things about the story. I watched My Boss-My Hero (♥) and a few episodes of Buzzer Beat by Oomori Mika (NN script writer). I loved My Boss-My Hero, because it was really very funny dorama. :)
Before Natsu Niji started I had watched Pride (which was work of NN director too), because I wanted to see Takeuchi Yuko´s acting. ^^ Pride was enjoyable drama for me, but its pace didn´t fit my taste a lot, which was pity. T_T But Takeuchi-san was wonderful in Pride. ^^
So when you read great names of script writer and director, you can start to expect more. I did - I really expected very good script and dorama, may be we could expect masterpiece (?). ^^'' But because of the news and information I didn´t worry about the dorama, everything what was published promised really great show and sounded nice. :) (Ok, I am naive girl, I guess.)
1.5. My expectations
As I said I expected a lot
- synopsis sounded really interesting and could have promised enjoyable moments ^^
- beautiful trailer
- great names of script writer and director
- romantic comedy - my favourite genre
- Getsuku - often the best dramas, right?
- very nice news about the drama
- couple Yuko×Jun looked perfect/ had great chemistry in the pictures and in the CM
- Matsujun chooses interesting and different roles => it means nice story, + my most favourite role of him is lover ♥♥♥
- Yuko seemed like a beautiful, mature lady with great acting skills and with gracility, and btw when Nino is her die-hard fan, it means something too XDD
May be you wonder why I didn´t mention Matsujun´s co-stars. Eh, it is simple, I know only our 'pink master' and other actors were new for me, therefore it didn´t have any meaning for me. ^^''
Trailer + CM × the beginning of drama
I don´t know, where the 1st problem appeared - if the problem was created by the CM, or the problem was in me that I was too excited and imagined too much thanks to news + pictures or if I misread something, but I got different expectations (mostly from the trailer I guess). T_T
I think it is difficult to make clear my feelings, because there are too many factors for me. I think little bit of everything created my image of dorama and influenced me...Because of the CM I imagined it would be really hot, exciting, serious and passionate dorama. That I will experience warm emotions and my heart would be very happy and excited, that I will fully enjoy every episode. May be it sounds little unreal, but I heard people described some other dramas by similar words, therefore I really expected this type of dorama. I was really excited and looked forward to this dorama a lot. :)
I was very interested how they will introduce us the 1st episode. ^^
I knew that my image would be little different or some my expectations will be off, because the reality is always different in some points and because I wasn´t sure how to imagine the base of dorama, its details or the development of the plot, I only knew what I would like to see and to have for emotions. :) The emotions were the most important thing for me. Everything else was in hands of drama staff and I would accept it. :) I was open to different concept of dorama, or at least I thought that I was prepared, but the real dorama was pretty different from all options that I expected. Or at least I had that feeling that it didn´t meet with my primary and elementary expectations... ^^''
Episode 1. I didn´t expect such a quotation at the beginning XDD, but I liked how it began with woman walking along the beach. :) I loved (!) the 1st half of the 1st episode, I was thinking: "What a great dorama, its pace is very nice!" :D But the second half of the 1st episode started to get quite boring for me that I started to fool around. T_T Even when I tried to be interested in the scenes, I had to put an effort to enjoy the 2nd half. Yada! But the scene at the hospital and then some moments in the office of the agency weren´t my couple of coffee. >.<
I wanted to see it in positive way, but already about the 1st episode I had mixed feeling - I loved the 1st half, but the 2nd one wasn´t so great. I had many favourite moments, but somehow I was disappointed that I had imagined something little (?) different and I was disappointed that I didn´t like it as I hoped I would. I guess the cause of my disappointment was that I was wrong about drama and that I expected too brilliant and catchy 1st episode. T_T Already by the 1st episode I knew the dorama wouldn´t take the direction I wished and somehow I couldn´t have connected the trailer with the story. ^^'' But it was only first episode for me, possibly in the future we will see a lot of changes and the story will be more developed and better in its own way. :)
I know it was only 1st episode of drama, but I missed romance and the chemistry between Taiga and Shiori. I knew they couldn´t have shown the chemistry which I had seen in the trailer, but I hoped for more interaction between them (?). Simply I missed something relationship related ~.
But even from the 1st episode I expected little more, because it should be the base of drama, it should get attention of viewers, it should address the audience. If Umi didn´t appear at the end, I would find hardly something that would make me to want to watch other episode in any case... Of course I wanted to see the development of couple Taiga×Shiori, but the 1st episode didn´t create such catchy feeling that the 2nd episode is 'must see' and that is pity I think.
I liked the 1st episode a lot, as I said, I watched it 5times during the first week! I had many favourite moments (Taiga in tuxedo, Taiga skydiving/watching sunset, their meeting - very funny, Taiga crying, Taiga trying to kiss Shiori, Taiga on the floor - poor Taiga T_T), but I had a few complaints as well. ^^''
Umi was nice and unexpected surprise, but it meant ends of my plans as well XD, because when child will be part of the story, I can´t expect simpler love relationship - the kid will cause more problems for the couple... But it turned out, that it was great, because I loved Taiga×Umi moments (I only don´t like the last one from 9th episode).
For me the beginning of NN was quite slow, story was sometimes too flat and light. Shiori was too cold towards Taiga in my opinion. Honestly I was quite disappointed, because the promotion promised something different in my opinion, one day I was so sad, that I thought I would stop the dorama for now, and I will complete it, when all episodes are released. But I told myself that even though I had some complaints, I will accept the different concept of the story. Even though something disappointed me, other things were beautiful and I like a lot of moments of the story. But it was interesting, that I knew that I was absolutely sure that the dorama would grow on me in the future (and I was right). ^^
NN started to please me from the 3rd episode... :)
2. My favourite episode & My favourite moments
My most favourite episode was 3rd episode for a long time, simply I loved interaction between Taiga and Sakura - it was exactly what I missed in previous episodes - this relationship related thing. :D I liked that we could see caring and gentle side of Taiga. But it was interesting that even Japanese audience liked this episode a lot, because 3rd episode got 2nd highest ratings. :D
My other favourite moments appeared in the 5th episode, I think everybody was in 7th heaven when they watched Taiga and Shiori cooking and then taking picture with Umi. ♥♥♥
I think my other favourite episode is 8. Do you know somebody who doesn´t love it? I was so happy from the last scene. ♥♥♥ Kyaaa!
I will edit this part later. ^^
3. What I expected and what I got
I guess Matsujun (?) said that the episodes should cause our heart to skip a beat, it only made me sure that I could be right about hot love story. ^^ Of course I didn´t expect only warm and happy emotions, but even sad emotions mean a lot for me.
I thought that the episodes will be full of emotions, its pace won´t be slow - it would be the best, if it was quicker one, but the normal one is great too, that I will see a lot of interaction of characters and my wish was to see a lot of skinship and great kisses.
At the beginning something was deceiving and disappointing - I missed couple feel and interaction, some emotions. I had feeling that this dorama must be dedicated to tired people, therefore it isn´t quicker, because they wouldn´t be able to catch important moments of the story. I even missed the comedy scenes - you know how I was shocked when Taiga´s father died in the 1st episode, in my opinion death in the first episode isn´t good tactic for comedy, but never mind. :) I think even the characters - I mean their personality wasn´t fully attractive - they had problems to introduce them. I didn´t see them like strong characters, like they weren´t fully described in the first 2 episodes...
***I really wonder if something bad is with me, I always liked a lot things and the things didn´t have to be perfect at all, I was satisfied even with not so good things, but lately I don´t like every thing that I see. I wonder if my taste or personality changes now. In 19th year of my life? Huh. O.o ***
After all misunderstanding from the beginning, which seemed to relaxing for me, I absolutely fell in love with this drama! ♥
I think I have never got mature, hot, passionate dorama, but I received very cute, romantic and lovely story. ^^ Really the breaking point for me was episode 3. At the beginning I liked the story, but not loved. But with other episodes I started to love NN. ♥ Another breaking point was around the 5th episode, because here started my obsession with Taiga and NN.
Really in the 2nd half of the story my brain wasn´t working properly, when I finished the episode XD, it was like I saw the world in pink colors or i the fog. I was smiling like a crazy girl, still thinking and dreaming about Taiga. ♥♥♥ Then repeating of 'kyaaa moments'. XDD
And in the middle of dorama comedy parts got better too, I still remember that some dialogues cracked me up. XDD
In my opinion Taiga matured during the time, he really greatly changed and everyone noticed it. ^^ He really grows up with every episode, with every scene he was better and better man. ^^ I completely fell in love with Taiga - now he is my most favourite character. XD
I am happy I was able to connect with this character, I understood him. ^^ But sometimes he is so poor - 3th or 9th episode. T__T I felt so sorry for him.
But Shiori. I don´t know. I imagined completely different personality. Sometimes I was pretty mad at her. >.<
I loved her in the 1st episode, he was great and funny...but...
For me she was many times brake for the story. At the beginning she was too cold towards Taiga, somehow she was too stiff. I didn´t find the Shiori who I saw on pictures and in synopsis. For me she changes her decisions too often, she is adult, but she cries too much >.<. I know she wants to protect Umi and her husband´s memory, but sometimes it is too much. She should think more about Taiga, because in 9th episode she hurt him a lot. Her smile is beautiful, but I wished to see more friendly and kind Shiori. But my biggest problem with her is that she isn´t mature in my eyes. >.<
I don´t know, may be I love Taiga too much, therefore I see her mistakes much bigger than they really are...
Umi - cute child, be more nicer to Taiga at the end, please! ;) I adore her scenes with Taiga - that is love. ♥
Daiki - from the beginning perfect character, I loved his funny scenes, but I didn´t like his behaviour in the 9th episode. >.<
Joe - at the beginning I saw him only as a rival, but at the end he is funny guy. ^^ I like him.
Sakura - at the beginning spoiled, but then great character. I expected more from her declaration about being Shiori´s love-rival. T_T
Music is great, I like the background music and I love Yui´s insert song - that is brilliant. ♥
Love Rainbow - by Arashi - perfect.
4. Ratings, cuttiing dorama, rumours ?
Before the show started I was worried about Jun, if he is too nervous or how he would portray tsundere Taiga. I was little afraid of similarity between Taiga and Tsukasa, but fortunately I was wrong. But the biggest worries came late - the ratings.
I was never interested in ratings, but this time it was different. When I was happy that I finally saw great moments in NN, ratings destroyed my mood immediately. Before I didn´t pay attention to ratings, because if I liked movie/dorama, ratings were not important at all. But this time ratings could influence Matsujun´s acting career or number of NN episodes. >.<
In my opinion I expected better rating for the 1st episode, I hoped for 17-19%. I think it is weird that not many people were interested in this story. I know it is summer, but with this cast and story? Every promotion looked great, right? I only didn´t like Natsu Niji Navi at all. O.o
I tried to think or find why people are not interested in NN...
Some people said that they weren´t happy to see again Johnnys boy in Getsuku, other said they didn´t like Takeuchi-san O.o, which I don´t understand, because I thought she is popular. O.o And of course other reasons appeared after the releasing of 1st episode - not enough enjoyable, boring, too relaxing, no outstanding characters, disappointment from the trailer and opening, missing couple emotions/moments, bad script.
What caught my attention was that people said that Taiga×Shiori are more like brother and sister. O.o Me: No offense, but in some moments they weren´t not even like brother a sister, but like two foreign people. ^^'' I have younger brother (about 4 years) and our relationship is much more than I saw in NN. :)
Other people started to be interested more in Taiga´s acting than in his love, but it wouldn´t work with me, because I was interested in love relationship the most. Of course I wanted to see how Taiga would get better as actor, but my priority was couple Taiga×Shiori.
If I should decide who was the cause of low ratings, I would choose the script writer. Because acting was nice, dialogues weren´t stupid, camera excellent, but everything would be influenced by the script, which decides what will happen in the episode.
But Fuji TV isn´t innocent either, in my opinion. The 1st campaign was amazing, but then they didn´t show much effort to get better ratings or simply didn´t support drama by the campaign. Did you see the Natsu Niji keychain? That was horrible. >.....<
I think they could have done some more effective improvements....
I think a lot of say even the preview of the last episode...Where is Nino? Why didn´t they show special guest? O.o
I would like to mention acting too, when I watched 1st episode I was pleased that Matsujun got better again. ^^ Obviously Takeuchi-san was usually better actor, but I have feeling, that Matsujun´s acting was better with every episode as well. :D I know, some moments looked little awkward, but for me Matsujun was really shining in NN, he was absolutely great! 1000 points for his cute and sexy moments. ♥ XDD
But I mean it seriously, Matsujun did great job in NN. :)
But the biggest shock was the rating of 2nd and 5th episode - that was really bad and I was depressed. >.< The other things that scared me was the development of ratings - because I really didn´t want to have less episodes of NN. Definitely not!
I am really glad that NN didn´t receive single digit ratings, but I was really afraid of the NN future. >.<
Another interesting thing is that my most favourite episodes (#3 and #8) got the 2nd highest ratings. :D That made my day, but these episodes were really great! ^__________^
In my opinion the full potential of Natsu Niji wasn´t used and that is great pity! I really think that if the story was more appealing for people, if people around NN put more effort into this project, it could have received better ratings and simply it could have been really perfect drama. Unfortunately not.
When you don´t have good ratings, you will meet with rumours. I don´t like bad rumours, but some of them gave me trouble as well.
I really didn´t want to hear rumour that may be Matsujun doesn´t speak with Yuko. >.< It depends on you, but he looked stiff or troubled on some magazine pictures - but I think he was only tired or thought about something...
But I wonder, if the rumour about the final kiss is true. XDD Kyaa.
5. The End
I hope for happyend. If Taiga and Shiori won´t be together, my heart will be broken. T___T
Even when the story itself was calming and left a very nice feelings in you, sometimes it was emotional roller coaster for me and honestly I must say that I am exhausted from the change after 8th episode. I loved this dorama, I enjoyed it a lot, I had great time, but at the same time I was troubled too, so yesterday I had feeling that I tried to resolve some relationship problems, but it was only about the worries from watching NN. XD
If you read all the entry, I am happy. ^^ But I would like to ask you something. What is mature about NN? Because I really don´t know - age of characters, that Shiori has a child or something different?
WARNING: I will edit this entry during this week, because I always forget to write some my thoughts and then I will add other thoughts after watching the final episode. :)