they are right court there is no specific normal and why would you want to be anyone but you, God has a plan for everyone. If you weren't you the world wouldnt' be the same. He put everyone here for a reason, you never know you might say "hi" to someone and it will make think, "maybe i do have friends" when they were about to go home and kill themselves. k maybe that is drastic but you know a lot of people love you and are glad you are the way you are. i love you baby gurl **leah fry**
dude ur comment made me think the most. I guess God did put me on this earth for something and it may not be the best but he did it for something and I guess I just have to wait an dfind out huh? Thank you so muc ilu Leah!
Leah Fry!
(Well lets hope)!
♥ you!
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