Aug 21, 2007 19:45
Same downpour will come down on both
(of us) eventually.
Sun alike, gonna shine on the tops of our heads most days.
I guess I got the fucking flood again.
We kept passing Noah back and forth with his exhausted warning, so
He finally shut the door and said, "You sons of bitches can drown then."
The Elements make a mockery of our distance.
Whilst my legs are just about sogging off from these bottomless puddles,
You're pirouetting her around idiotically on a patch of sweet grass,
Even though the sun is rolling his eyes.
Your shadows are being happy for you.
Only your silhouette is twirling her round, 'cause
You're still tangled up under your cloudy comforter;
Wishing you could taste the rain fallen on my lips,
Wishing it were
Lovingly helping me dry my feet.