Career Inventory Test Results
Extroversion |||||||||||||||||||||||| 80% Emotional Stability ||| 10% Orderliness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86% Altruism ||||||||||||||||||||| 63% Inquisitiveness |||||||||||||||||| 56%
You are a Persuader, possible professions include - entertainer, recruiter, artist, newscaster, writer/journalist, recreation director, librarian, facilitator, politician, psychologist, housing director, career counselor, sales trainer, travel agent, program designer, corporate/team trainer, child welfare worker, social worker (elderly services), interpreter/translator, occupational therapist, executive
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My current job is one of those on this list and I'm hating it and am doing my darnedest to be rid of it; the job I WANT is on this SAME list. Go figure.