Jun 19, 2006 22:33
Well first of all had to go to PCC to try to talk to my counselor. SO met up wit Carlo and Gayle cause they had their first day of summer school today. My music class starts tomorrow.. So got an appointment wit my counselor tomorrow to challenge a prereq. Headed off to the gym to get in a workout cause iono how my workout plan will go now that my class schedule is diff.
Left the gym.. Gian didnt answer his phone so that phone was a bust.. called Edward but he had to entertain ppl. at his house. Endin up not goin out wit Gayle, so went to Burbank alone to return somethin at Active cause it was too small. Went to Coldstones and wen I went to pay, I remembered that my Dad used my check card the night before so I didnt have it. So I didnt have a lot of money, only 2 bucks.. so I flirted wit the girl workin there before she rang me up.. endin up gettin it for free, hah!! Who knew charm could work so well, hah... jk jk!! Drove over to Eric's house so I could borrow his guitar for the week cause mine is broke and my mom gonna buy me one next week.
Here's my Summer school schedule:
Biology 11 Mon/Fri 8:00-11:00
TuesWedsThurs 8:00-12:00
Music 83A TuesWedsThurs 1:00-3:00
Im tryin to challenge the bio. prereq. so I could juss go right into Bio 1A and Anatomy 25, so hopefully the counselor will let me. She's really nice and it seemed like she believed in me.. so keepin my fingers crossed bout that one