We FINALLY got to watch Dr. Barbato's PowerPoint, and it was incredible. I had to actually make myself write shit down.
What follows are my actual scratchings. They may be sketchy and incomplete, but at least I wrote something.
The beginnings of the "generation gap"
- "I thought it would be...different." - from "The Graduate"
- big example: after May 4, the older generation wished more students had been shot for disobeying the ONG (Ohio National Guard) - younger generation were horrified by it
Port Huron Statement
- Jan. 11-15, 1965
- called for brotherhood and racial equality
Summer of Love 1967
- centered in San Francisco (Haight-Ashbury)
Woodstock Aug. 15-18, 1969 Bethel, NY
- basically an anti-war demonstration
- marked the end of the counterculture
1968 Democratic Convention - Chicago
- Student demonstrations - clash btwn pro- and anti-war protesters
- Found to be a police riot
These protests were born of the protests of the Civil Rights movement
- Lunch counter sit-ins
- Freedom Riders - traveled to MS to register blacks to vote - Student Nonviolent Coordination Committee
- Many Freedom Riders were killed
Black Panther Party
- "Black Panther Party for Self-Defense"
Anti-war movement
- Showed distrust with the government
- Nixon thought it was unpatriotic and funded by communists
- most prevalent in colleges due to the draft
- BUS - Black United Students - started at Kent in 1967-68
April 30, 1970
- Nixon announced that the war would expand into Cambodia
May 1, 1970
- Kent State held a rally on the Commons by the Victory Bell - people burned draft cards
- That night, small bonfire on Water Street closed bars, riots prompted mayor to call ONG
May 2, 1970
- ONG went on campus - 8 p.m. rally turned into the ROTC building being burned down
May 3, 1970
- ONG were fully on campus
- Gov. Rhodes came to Kent - "We are going to eradicate the problem. We're not going to treat the symptoms..." - statements were incorrectly interpreted as marshal law
May 4, 1970
- entire shootings took 13 seconds - 4 dead, 9 wounded
- after the shootings, the students formed on the Commons - ONG was ready to fire on students again - Prof. Glenn Frank pleaded with the students to leave or be shot at again; students dispersed
I'll also try to get links to my readings, since right now they're only accessible via the school's BlackBoard Vista site.