Title: Stuffed Animals
Pairing: KangIn/EunHyuk
Length: One Shot
Rating: G
Warnings: Cuteness. It's long too.
Summary: A day at the zoo ends up being a search for the stuffed animal version of Super Junior.
A/N: Inspired by looking at the cute stuffed animals at the gas station next to McDonald's and from WAAAAY back to a best friend's birthday spent at the zoo.I'd like to thank said best friend for helping me decide some of the animals. Thank you very Kamsa.
The zoo is busy today. Couples with their children are here, whole families are here, friends, and best of all, celebrities.
Super Junior had gotten a day off. Two out of the eleven,because KiBum is missing acting, boys wanted to go to the zoo. Just the two anyone would least expect.
It was now hitting four PM, and the two went to the gift shop. Noone can go to the zoo and skip the gift shop.
"What time is eeet?" EunHyuk asks. KangIn gives him a WTF?! look.
"2PM!" EunHyuk answers his own question.
"I honestly wonder about your sanity..Its because youve been deprived of DongHae isnt it?" KangIn asks.
'Noooo." EunHyuk looks around the gift shop and finds a stuffed fish.
"Hyung! I found DongHae!!"
"Wow..Try to find all of the members,"KangIn suggests. Only to get his dongsaeng away for just a bit.
"I can do that.."
"I found you!" EunHyuk holds up a racoon.
"Go outside of the box. DongHae will always be a fish,but go outside of the box for me."
KangIn looks around the shop at various things. Like a note pad made out of elephant dung. Lovely.
"Hyung!" EunHyuk comes up to him and holds up a lion. "Is this you?"
"Rawwr." EunHyuk makes the soft paw rub against KangIns cheek. He believes EunHyuk has really lost his sanity..or he just needs to go be with DongHae.
"No lions."
"Okay." EunHyuk goes off to complete his mission. "Hyung, what kind of animal would you be?"
"A strong one."
"A wolf!!" EunHyuk holds up a wolf. "You're strong..and loyal!"
"Its true."
"Okay, you found me."
"Now who?"
"Uhhh...EeTeuk hyung."
KangIn gets bored and decides to join EunHyuk in the quest for find the stuffed animal version of Super Junior.
"A peacock!! "
"That fits. They're loud..Hes loud."
"I know." KangIn grabs the mini peacock and they move on.
"Cat." They both agree and look for a domesticated house cat. They find one that looks exactly like HeeBum and they pick it up.
"HeeBum is pampered though."
"So then HeeChul is a pampered house cat."
KangIn finds a a plastic snake and sends it EunHyuks way.
"Ah!" He flinches and backs away,holding the fish, peacock,and wolf in front of his face. If thats possible.
"Very funny hyung." EunHyuk gets out of defense mode and throws the wolf and peacock at KangIn.
"Hey now. Be nice." He picks them up and holds them,along with the cat.
"HanKyung is a tiger.Rawwr! "
The cashier gives them a basket to put their stuffed animals in and they continue looking.
"What would YeSung be?" KangIn asks.
"A chameleon.Because he seems normal..but hes not. He changes," EunHyuk answers.
"That is true." So they go on a hunt for a chameleon. When they find it, they skip KangIn and move onto ShinDong.
"Panda!" EunHyuk says after thinking for awhile.
"Perfect!" KangIn grabs a panda and puts it in the basket.
"He's cute...A bunny?" KangIn asks.
"Yeah!" They go grab a bunny from the farm animal section.
"I found JunSu and YooChun!" EunHyuk holds up a sheep and another bunny.
"We don't need JunSu and YooChun!"
"Right." EunHyuk puts them back and moves on.
"What am I?" He asks.
"A monkey."
"What?! Why?! We went outside of the box for you, why can't I be outside of the box?" EunHyuk asks.
"EunHyuk, you've always been a monkey. Come on.. You're our Monkey Jewel Guy. You may be an anchovy now, but you will always be our monkey," KangIn says with sincerity. EunHyuk thinks and then goes to find a monkey. A cute one at that.
"We already have DongHae,"KangIn says and looks at the clown fish, AKA NEMO.
"To be honest, I think of a swan. Powerful.Pure," KangIn says.
"That's deep,hyung."
"I try." They find a swan and move onto the Eternal Maknae.
"He's quiet,cute, yet has a powerful voice.."
"A mouse."
"Yeah. Mice are cute," EunHyuk says. KangIn shrugs and picks up a mouse.
"Tough one."
"He's really quiet."
"A snake!"
"NO." EunHyuk goes back to defense mode without the stuffed animals.
"Kidding," KangIn says. "You spaz."
"I love you too, hyung."
"A bear?"
"Are bears silent?"
"Sun Bears!"
"Niice." They find a sun bear and put it in the basket.
"Sly and possessive."
"A fox!"
"Good one."
"Wait..We need Zhou Mi and Henry too!" EunHyuk says. He can't exclude the other two.
"Zhou Mi.."
They think and honestly dont know what animal would fit him.
"Henry..Lets just move onto Henry."
"Well,he's from Canada. He's a moose!!" EunHyuk's sentence is so full of aegyo, KangIn swears SungMin has rubbed off on him.
"Alright..A moose." They find a moose and continue to think of one for Zhou Mi.
"A dog...Siberian Husky."
"It makes it easier. Just go with it," EunHyuk says. They find a Siberian Husky stuffed animal and they are ready to pay.
"I have to go to the bathroom,but here's some money to help pay for the..zoo we have now." EunHyuk gives KangIn some money and goes to the bathroom.
After spending a large amount of money on stuffed animals, KangIn waits outside for EunHyuk. Once he appears, KangIn questions.
"What took you so long?"
"Line." They get in the van and leave the zoo.
At the apartment, the two set up the animals in order,including Zhou Mi and Henry's animals. They had to include them. Noone gets left behind in the Super Junior family.
"Did they say they were coming back together?" EunHyuk asks.
"Yeah. They should be here in a bit." They stand behind their animals and wait for the other members, except for Zhou Mi and Henry. They'll be sending their animals through mail to them.
It starts with yelling and laughing, and as the members come onto the floor,they stop and stare at line of stuffed animals.
"What's this?" EeTeuk asks.
"This is the stuffed animal version of Super Junior," KangIn answers.
"I'm a peacock?"
"Loud and colorful,hyung."
The other members appreciate the idea of their stuffed animal selves and they take the animals and go to their respective dorms. As soon as KangIn grabs his wolf and heads up to the twelfth floor, EunHyuk stops him.
"Since I'll always be the monkey.."EunHyuk reaches into his bag and pulls out a racoon. "Youll always be Korea Number One Racoon."
KangIn smiles and takes the racoon and heads up to his dorm. EunHyuk smiles to himself and grabs his cute monkey.
"We'll always be the monkey and the racoon."