Just simply being Nixo.
Oh my gosh, it is actually Marion turning into 99 already? It has been years that I went to her birthdays with many other family members and even half of them I had no clue who they are. Even when I was little and the others were babies-- they all were grown up when I attended to her 99th... I barely even recognized any of them. Gosh, is that bad? Although, the newest member that came along is my beloved niece, Viv in 4 months and Marion in her 99th. Huge age difference there. Here goes along my photos.
Yes, Justine Pelsos came... sorry if I spelt your last name wrong.
The whole room with almost entire family.
Another side of the room.
Older kids playing pool as usual... We usually have birthday party for Marion ever since when I was little, they were probably babies at that time but I definitely dont remember almost most of them when they are all grown up now!
Just me mommy! I love her tons
Great Uncle Gary with Marion in the middle and Great Aunt Shirley.
Her cake!
My favorite Grandpa!
Yes, her cake is pretty-- good enough it was all GONE!
Yup, me and the reflection has a relationship.
Ah, a large beer can as a "vase" with beautiful rose!
Yup, here it is.
Great Grandma Darlene who is about 89 years old now with Marion! They are a perfect match in keeping each other company..
Different side of 5 generation family. Yes, just like the other one from Xmas.
Viv!!! Adorable, just smiling away!
With bunny ears!
She aint frightened but she has really varied of facial expressions, lol.
Great Grandma Darlene with Viv.
My simply wacky Aunt Lynette as usual. I accidently blocked her camera view and she sticked her tongue out at me.
Now, I just gave her the room to take a picture of them!
Ah, 99 years old woman and 4 months old baby.
Mother and son! My grandma and father!
It was raining and cold outside so she snuck her out in her jacket, lol. Doesnt she have big cheek like her Great Baba?
Just me in Black and White.
And in color... I dont know which one is better.
Just plain being me.
My oldest sister's decoration-- her style is to decorate the skeleton things.
Aww, both couple with real ultrasound picture of Viv in the background.
Almost the entire set.
I dont know why, but this one has been my favorite.
This too in musical form.
Adorable framed picture
Viv's bedroom-- lovely.
Her drapes.
Ecch, Nixo dressed her up that day and she totally looks like a boy.
Yeah. Okay.
My favorite glass that I got for my 21st birthday at Hard Rock Cafe that Ciara Germany gave it to me. Karma broke it when she knocked it over. Grrr.
Yup, just as it is. I took the picture of the broken glass to keep the memory of it as I threw it away.
Tara Lynn*~!