This one's for you Craig

Jul 07, 2005 15:05

Hah, I forgot about this from waaaaay back in the day, me and craig were the quite the dynamic crime fighting online duo.

I'm a fucking asshole and i know it............... (my life is complete)

You have just entered room "Surfagurl1282."
Martini13 has entered the room.
MLane72 has entered the room.
A123456789034458 has entered the room.
Surfagurl12: hey guys
Martini13: lol
CapJello: howdy my jiggas to the niggas
Surfagurl12: martin!!!
Martini13: woord
MLane72: yo nate
sUrFiNbAbi44 has entered the room.
Martini13: sup bitches?
Surfagurl12: m lane chnge font color
Surfagurl12: dana?!!
A123456789034458: i like the online awkward silence just as much
Martini13: no, mlanes the shit u dont tell him what to do
Martini13: bitch
Surfagurl12: hows the face a?!
A123456789034458: ohhhhhhh no you didnt
MLane72: who is that?
A123456789034458: ugly as always
CapJello: i like his font
Surfagurl12: lol hahahahah
Surfagurl12: lmao
Martini13: lol
A123456789034458: who are you by the way
Surfagurl12: i do but not the color u cnat read it
CapJello: stop laughin before i pork u up the ass
CapJello: u are a guy rite?
Martini13: no, just looks like it
Surfagurl12: who?
CapJello: u cunt
A123456789034458: you
sUrFiNbAbi44: amanda who the fuck are all these people
MLane72: nate, greg said he was in our lunch
MLane72: and he doesn't want you to switch out
Surfagurl12: martins frindds
CapJello: wat a fucker
Surfagurl12: im a girl
CapJello: i mite not
Martini13: greg is a shit bucket
Surfagurl12: surfagurl
CapJello: but id like to cuz that health class blows more dick than me
A123456789034458: prolly some fat bitches that only surf because they float
CapJello: shut up surfer whore
MLane72 has left the room.
Martini13: lol
Surfagurl12: omg i hate ur friends
A123456789034458: lol....... fat people entertain
CapJello: omg no u dont
Martini13: yes they do craig
Martini13: what?...u love my friends
sUrFiNbAbi44: amanda i am wit ya
Surfagurl12: dan what teh fuck is this
Martini13: all of them
A123456789034458: ohhhhh are these the maine chicks
CapJello: im with ya too sista
Surfagurl12: wowo these lil boys
CapJello: im hung like a horse nigga
Martini13: lol
Martini13: yea craig
Surfagurl12: yah were from maine
A123456789034458: my sincerest apologies ladies, what can i do to make it up to you?
CapJello: me too
Surfagurl12: umm what u talkin about
Surfagurl12: DANA WTF WERE ARE U?!!
CapJello: i was at the mall
sUrFiNbAbi44: i'm rite here calm ya fuckin self
CapJello: i bought a pretzel
Surfagurl12: wowo congrates
CapJello: i love u
Martini13: lol, pretzels r the shit kiddo
CapJello: shall we fuck
Surfagurl12: u want a cokie 2
Martini13: u get em from the bearded lady that works in the lil hut?
A123456789034458: lol, dont steal my phrase whence
Surfagurl12: huH?
Martini13: haha, yea i noticed that craig
CapJello: a dont want a "cokie" u illiterate redneck whore
CapJello: id like a cookie tho
Surfagurl12: martin who are these peopel
CapJello: im doug
A123456789034458: i go by gauston
MLane72 has entered the room.
Surfagurl12: wow weird name
A123456789034458: like in the beauty and the beast
CapJello: gaston cock
Martini13: lol
CapJello: spell yo name rite
Martini13: gauston?
Surfagurl12: umm that was so 7 years ago bueaty and the beast
A123456789034458: who are you to say how my name is spelled
CapJello: soooo 7 years ago
CapJello: omg i kno
A123456789034458: fuck you i watched it yesterday
Surfagurl12: hahahhaah
CapJello: its all about lion king now
Martini13: they r sorry gaus, chill nugguh
Surfagurl12: no life
CapJello: omg i kno
CapJello: i need one
Surfagurl12: dana speak i comand u
A123456789034458: so is there good surf up in maine?
Surfagurl12: umm kinda
CapJello: better be to make up for all the gay bitches
Surfagurl12: what?
CapJello: u read me
Martini13: lol, yea i didnt find one good lookin bitch up there
Surfagurl12: wow that hurt
CapJello: good
sUrFiNbAbi44: ya that did hurt
Surfagurl12: dana u hear that omw
Martini13: im sorry
Martini13: dana
sUrFiNbAbi44: yup
Martini13: lol
CapJello: no hes not
A123456789034458: bitches must get uglier the further you go north, that is my theory anyway
CapJello: yea
CapJello: gay ass canucks
Surfagurl12: just dana wopw martin u suck
CapJello: im bombin that place wen i build one
Martini13: yea craig, u form canada & u as ugly as they come
A123456789034458: big black and ugly, what can i say
sUrFiNbAbi44: martin your an asshole
Surfagurl12: yah he is!!1
CapJello: surfinbabi ur gay
Martini13: but the dreads r ultimate beauty
A123456789034458: martin, you fucking dickhead
MLane72 has left the room.
Martini13: stop yelling at me
A123456789034458: yes, the dreads will be in place shortly
CapJello: well get on that shit man
A123456789034458: oh, i got lane booted
Surfagurl12: a ur awsoem so martin hit yah in the face hows that
sUrFiNbAbi44: who the fuck is jello
CapJello: im doug bitch
A123456789034458: the asshole fuckin clocked me like a pussy
Surfagurl12: the fello i dunnoo heheheheheh
sUrFiNbAbi44: you don't even no me you can not call me gay
CapJello: u kno these fools?
CapJello: i can call u gay
CapJello: ur gay
CapJello: u gay bitch
CapJello: i just did it
sUrFiNbAbi44: shut the fuck up
Surfagurl12: omg ashe danan shut the fuck up
A123456789034458: lol, im gonna have to go with doug being the winner on that one
Surfagurl12: dan im hear
CapJello: i was never actually talkin
CapJello: so i cant shut up
sUrFiNbAbi44: amanda what?
Martini13: u call me a pussy u fuckin cock holster?
Surfagurl12: im hear
Surfagurl12: ill kick his ass
sUrFiNbAbi44: for what
CapJello: u people ask too many questions
CapJello: hi
CapJello: wat?
sUrFiNbAbi44: lol i can do it myself
A123456789034458: ya hear?
Martini13: ill fuck u up an eleventh time
Surfagurl12: here stop typin!
CapJello: whos here?
Surfagurl12: who the 11th time?
Surfagurl12: craig?!!
Martini13: no, ure mom
A123456789034458: gauston bitch
Surfagurl12: wow u didt talk abotu my mom u asswipe
CapJello: i hope she dies
CapJello: and if shes dead
CapJello: i shit on her grave
sUrFiNbAbi44: don't say that!
A123456789034458: cancer to her!
Surfagurl12: omg no u didnt
sUrFiNbAbi44: seriously ever
CapJello: i did
sUrFiNbAbi44: omg you fuckin asshole
sUrFiNbAbi44: my mom died of cancer
A123456789034458: im sorry, i didnt mean it
Surfagurl12: wowo what an asshole!!!
Surfagurl12: wow think b4 u talk
Martini13: ure full of shit, ure moms alive & kicking
A123456789034458: im not sorry in the least, i hope she suffered
Surfagurl12: mine yes
CapJello: wat kind of cancer
CapJello: hope it was painful
sUrFiNbAbi44: omg
Surfagurl12: omg a why u so mean and rude
sUrFiNbAbi44: acutally she really did die
Surfagurl12: wow get a life a
sUrFiNbAbi44: you guys are all assholes
CapJello: yea we are
Surfagurl12: a just shut up
CapJello: slow and painful
A123456789034458: i hope on her death bed with her last dying breathe she said, "you are a disappointment and im glad i will never hear your voice aga...."
sUrFiNbAbi44: that was low
CapJello: i hope she didnt have time for a proper good bye
CapJello: sudden and unexpected
Martini13: thats mest up gaus
Surfagurl12: wow what assholes
Martini13: shes serious bro
Surfagurl12: i mean rwally have respect
A123456789034458: like hit by a train or something
Surfagurl12: wow we are like grow up
CapJello: better yet
CapJello: serial killer
Surfagurl12: wowo
CapJello: we arent like grow up
A123456789034458: there are no good deaths these days, i mean who dies by shoot out anymore
CapJello: ur like grow up
CapJello: im going to
Surfagurl12: seriously please do
Surfagurl12: that was wicked rude
CapJello: dont worryi will
A123456789034458: im 16 bitch, im childish and imature, so fuck you, and fuck your dead ass mom
CapJello: and ur first on the hit list
CapJello: i already did
CapJello: she was kinda cold
A123456789034458: didnt move a lot?
CapJello: not reely
Surfagurl12: dude when u sleepin watchi over ur sholuder at all times i wilkl kill u
CapJello: where do i live
A123456789034458: what ever, that's how i like em anyway
Surfagurl12: leminster
Martini13: lol
Martini13: thats fucked up
CapJello: where abouts tho
sUrFiNbAbi44: no fucking stop seriously
A123456789034458: lol, close, there is an o in there somewhere
Martini13: u misspelld our town bitch
CapJello: less movement better
Martini13: apologize
Surfagurl12: no fuck off martin i thought u were differnt but ur an asshoel liek ur friends
sUrFiNbAbi44: i aint even jokin like she really did die and you guys are fucking such little assholes to even say this shit like why the fuck would you ever do that to someone ever
Surfagurl12: thanks for being nice
A123456789034458: alright, im sorry surfer or surfa or surfin, girls, i didnt mean to be a dick, i was just trying to make you mad
CapJello: i did mean to be a dick
A123456789034458: i sincerely regret what i said
CapJello: cuz i dont kno u
CapJello: i never will
CapJello: and i wouldnt care neways
Surfagurl12: well u made us cry dick head
CapJello: good
CapJello: mission accomplished
sUrFiNbAbi44: ya bullshit you regret it
Martini13: yea, u guys r mean
sUrFiNbAbi44: like what the fuck
A123456789034458: i swear guys, i didnt think you were serious
A123456789034458: im sorry
sUrFiNbAbi44: no amanda i cryed since they were talking about my mom!
sUrFiNbAbi44: well my mom did die
sUrFiNbAbi44: y would i ever fuckin joke about that
A123456789034458: im sorry, i didnt know, and i thought you were playin
sUrFiNbAbi44: like what the hell
A123456789034458: people joke about it all the time
CapJello: ill say sorry to jump on the bandwagon
CapJello: but i dont mean it
sUrFiNbAbi44: jello shut the fuck up i will fuckin kick your ass you little pussy you are like the biggest prick i have ever met in my life like you don't even no
CapJello: o i kno my friend
Surfagurl12: omg if u odnt shut up i will rip ur balls off and feed then to the fish in maine!!!!!!!!!!!!
CapJello: hahaha
A123456789034458: FUCK YOU BITCH, I HOPE IT HURT AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! NOBODY LOVES YOU, KILL YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!! (this doesnt reflect on martin at all, please give him head if you intended to before i started fucking with you
CapJello: i have no balls
CapJello: u see
CapJello: were online
sUrFiNbAbi44: what ever your name was who is that to ?
Martini13: i g2g
Martini13: peace
CapJello: u cant find me nothin comes of this except i laugh and prolly get damned to hell
Martini13 has left the room.
Surfagurl12: omg martin wowo get new friends
CapJello: and since i dont believe in hell
CapJello: im golden
A123456789034458: not only that i hope your moms cancer was herititary, and you get it!
Surfagurl12: owwo there was no need
CapJello: but there was
Surfagurl12: cna u tell me y do u have to be so mean?
A123456789034458: i dont understand how you surf in maine?
sUrFiNbAbi44: no seriously like what the fuck is your problem
sUrFiNbAbi44: did i do shit to you ever
sUrFiNbAbi44: no
sUrFiNbAbi44: so why would you say shit like that
CapJello: exactly ill explain once more
CapJello: boredom
Surfagurl12: umm its a beach waves surfboard u cna
CapJello: and this is the internet
CapJello: ill never see u
CapJello: ever
A123456789034458: well, there always has to be some1 who starts shit, hence "starting"
CapJello: and if i did
CapJello: i wouldnt care
Surfagurl12: we wer gunna chioll wiht martin
A123456789034458: but there are very small waves, and its cold up there
CapJello: so chill
CapJello: he was defendin u hos
A123456789034458: dont fuck martin, he has cancer, you might get it from him
Surfagurl12: he apologized to me
CapJello: great so chill with him
CapJello: wats he have to do with us
A123456789034458: he didnt mean it, he just wants your ass
Surfagurl12: i will and while we see him well go to ur house and kick ur asss
CapJello: like i wanted ur dead mothers
CapJello: jk jk jk
CapJello: no im not
sUrFiNbAbi44: ok its just my mom
sUrFiNbAbi44: her mom is alive
sUrFiNbAbi44: my mom is dead
CapJello: i dont pay attention to which surfer is which
CapJello: its al the same
A123456789034458: oh shit, online threats, what do we do now doug, i fear them, good god no!
CapJello: ur prolly inbred neways
A123456789034458: fuckin maine bitches
Surfagurl12: wow
A123456789034458: tisk
CapJello: exactly u needa learn that online means nothin
A123456789034458: out in east bum fuck
Surfagurl12: u guys are prob wicked cool but didi u need to say that shit
sUrFiNbAbi44: ok first of all i dont live in maine
CapJello: u could insult nething even my libido and i wont care
Surfagurl12: i odnt either
A123456789034458: no, no im a loser, i've dealt with it and moved on
CapJello: ur usin wicked cool sarcastically arent u
sUrFiNbAbi44: no she is serious
Surfagurl12: no im serious
CapJello: i bet lol
sUrFiNbAbi44: we think everyone is cool we always love like everyone
A123456789034458: lol, oh that was a good try, i almost bought it, try again it might work!
Surfagurl12: u were at firts but y did u have to bring that shut up
sUrFiNbAbi44: except wehn people say shit about my mom since she really is dead
A123456789034458: how old where you when she died?
A123456789034458: were*
sUrFiNbAbi44: i was 8
Surfagurl12: u cud be cool but now ur liek scum
sUrFiNbAbi44: my sisters were older though
A123456789034458: people just need to relax, who cares what people say about you or your dead mom, there just fuckin idiots whos opinions dont matter anyway
Surfagurl12: a wow ur nice im seriosu
sUrFiNbAbi44: ya but when people say shit about my mom it hurts i could care less if people talk about me
Surfagurl12: doug jello asshole yah wicked
CapJello: wat
CapJello: yea i am
Surfagurl12: ass
CapJello: sorry i was pissin lol
Surfagurl12: hole!!!1
CapJello: rite but if shes dead wats it matter nigga
Surfagurl12: tinckle
CapJello: just another fish in the sea
CapJello: gone
Surfagurl12: wow that was rude
A123456789034458: why do you care what i think, you have never met me before in your life
sUrFiNbAbi44: cause she was my fuckin mother!
A123456789034458: i dont like my fuckin mother, i hope that bitch dies!
sUrFiNbAbi44: i don't care what you think about me
CapJello: that wasnt rude im serious
Surfagurl12: i said u were nice u are but ur friend
CapJello: once someones dead theyre dead
A123456789034458: then why did you cry when i was talkin shit about mommy?
Surfagurl12: wowo
sUrFiNbAbi44: i cryed
sUrFiNbAbi44: ovbiously
CapJello: u shouldnt
Surfagurl12: cuz its her mother asshoel
A123456789034458: you said you did
CapJello: get over the past
sUrFiNbAbi44: i can't take it when people say sumthing like that
A123456789034458: but she doesnt care what i said
sUrFiNbAbi44: like i can't get ova it she was my mom
A123456789034458: quit contradicting yourself!!!
CapJello: well learn to especially since u dont us
CapJello: kno s
CapJello: kno us**
Surfagurl12: omg a just shhhhh ur cool no1 hates u
A123456789034458: who gives a shit, life sucks then you die, get over it!
CapJello: we dont kno u
Surfagurl12: now jello yah we hate u!
A123456789034458: eat dick surfa
CapJello: so obviously we have no grounds to make fun of u on
CapJello: good i hope u hate me
CapJello: me and my online persona
Surfagurl12: umm no question yha
CapJello: a wee little line of code on the internet
Surfagurl12: bye fags!
A123456789034458: me and doug are a team you cant hate one and like the other, that isnt how it works
A123456789034458: hey, have a nice life
Surfagurl12: i will die asshole
Surfagurl12 has left the room.
A123456789034458: i hope you dont die from cancer!
A123456789034458: damn, missed her
CapJello: if some random person imed me talkin shit bout my dead parents
CapJello: i wouldnt care cuz they dont kno shit lol
CapJello: some people are too easy gaus
A123456789034458: lol, no shit
sUrFiNbAbi44: ya but i do care
CapJello: i liek that name
sUrFiNbAbi44: i am like that
A123456789034458: why do you care!?!
CapJello: learn not to be
CapJello: ull have more friends
A123456789034458: we are just two fucking assholes you dont know!
CapJello: seriosuly
CapJello: hes rite
sUrFiNbAbi44: like one of my sisters is like you are tellign me to be and then me and my other sister are like this
sUrFiNbAbi44: how
sUrFiNbAbi44: so you mean if i fucking don't care about my mom i will have more friends
CapJello: the only time words hurt is if some1 close sed it nigga
A123456789034458: christ you are dumb as a brick arnt you
CapJello: if some1 u dont kno ses somethin wtf does it matter
A123456789034458: just..... please kill yourself
CapJello: mayeb she just neeeds to study
A123456789034458: break out the 6th grade vocab words!
sUrFiNbAbi44: why should i kill myself
sUrFiNbAbi44: ha o so i am in the 6th grade now
sUrFiNbAbi44: since when
A123456789034458: cause you are border-line retarded
CapJello: see ur still taking offense
A123456789034458: no you arnt
CapJello: vice versa as well
sUrFiNbAbi44: that doeesn't mean i will neva no you
sUrFiNbAbi44: fuck this shit say wat ya want
CapJello: where od u live
sUrFiNbAbi44: but i aint retarded and i ain't in 6th grade
CapJello: unless u live in my town u prolly wont and also u dont kno my name
sUrFiNbAbi44: i live in Arlington
CapJello: so if we meet
A123456789034458: but you see we only continued insulting you because it was obvious you cared, but if we didnt get a reaction out of you, then we wouldnt have had so much fun doing it, but what can ya do
CapJello: we wont kno
CapJello: rite if u were like great yea i fucked my mom too all the fun goes away
A123456789034458: then we coulda had a cool convo, but ya had to go be a tight ass and not take a joke well fuck everything up
A123456789034458: ya see the mom-jokes are like a test
sUrFiNbAbi44: so pretty much your just telling me to fuck all the shit people i do no say and go along wit it
CapJello: rite
CapJello: cuz it doesnt matter wat they say
CapJello: now if i knew u and ur mom and then insulted u
CapJello: its wrong
sUrFiNbAbi44: rite
CapJello: but i dont so its just funny to me
sUrFiNbAbi44: alrite
A123456789034458: im telling you to relax, what we say shouldnt matter to you!
sUrFiNbAbi44: it doesn't
CapJello: now u got it
A123456789034458: dumb bitch, you have be contradicting yourself this whole time
CapJello: now remember the rules
CapJello: dont be offended
CapJello: just nod and say yes sir
sUrFiNbAbi44: o ya i am a dumb bitch let me tell ya
CapJello: U DID IT
A123456789034458: you dont need to tell us, we fuckin know!
sUrFiNbAbi44: o ya i forgot
sUrFiNbAbi44: remember i am a dumb bitch i forget things
CapJello: o yea
CapJello: im surprised u can spell ur name
CapJello: if u can
sUrFiNbAbi44: wait can i
sUrFiNbAbi44: ya i think i acutally can do that rite
CapJello: and im so very proud
sUrFiNbAbi44: Dana Michelle Sheehan
sUrFiNbAbi44: yup i did it
sUrFiNbAbi44: you should be proud
A123456789034458: alright, well this convo isnt entertaining me anymore, just as final thoughts, your mom was whore, you prolly dont know your father, your stupid, kill yourself, everyone hates you, and you will never be loved
sUrFiNbAbi44: i can't do many things rite
CapJello: im in tears my freind
A123456789034458: kill yourself, love gauston
sUrFiNbAbi44: how about you kill me then it would be funner then killin myself
CapJello: in theory yes it would
A123456789034458: nah, too much effort
A123456789034458: peace, have a nice life
A123456789034458 has left the room.
sUrFiNbAbi44: so jello how did i do lol
CapJello: u did very good
CapJello: much better than the feeding my balls to fish deal
sUrFiNbAbi44: that wasnt me
sUrFiNbAbi44: i did say any of thaat
sUrFiNbAbi44: all that shit was amanda
sUrFiNbAbi44: i rarely said anything
CapJello: sorry i meant kick my ass cuz im a prick
sUrFiNbAbi44: yaa that was me lol srry about that
sUrFiNbAbi44: your cool though you taught me shit
CapJello: no problem
CapJello: o for sure
CapJello: do i seem like id care bou bein called a prick lol
sUrFiNbAbi44: nop not at all
CapJello: true dat lol
sUrFiNbAbi44: lol
sUrFiNbAbi44: how did you guys no we were from maine
CapJello: martin
sUrFiNbAbi44: he told you
sUrFiNbAbi44: did he tell you about amanda or me lol
CapJello: umm i dunno
CapJello: he invited me in and sed theyre from maine
sUrFiNbAbi44: lol we ain't even from maine
sUrFiNbAbi44: only in the summa
CapJello: ahh ic
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