Sep 11, 2003 23:28
Hmm ive been told i need to, and I quote, "be a man, write in your journal", that sounds like an oxymoron if you ask me but you didn't ask so that's ok. So onto my rundown of events, it begins here:
nothing else
Sounds like a hoot and a holler if you ask me, but you didn't so that's ok. Journals are meant to be used to drop off emotional baggage but I am a robot I have no emotions. If I did I'd probably say I'm pretty good at the moment, nothing really special going on, good friends, good classes, it adds up to overall goodness. I am missing out on some good shizzle this weekend for my G-rents 50th, I get to room with an in the closet gay cousin of mine, should be fun for me and my asshole. Hopefully gays aren't inherently rednecks also because if they are, I'm not returning from boston as an ass violated. I coach a girls soccer team too, it's funny they're in 8th grade and some have crushes on me, that's a good ego booster, I'm just waiting for some kind of sexual innuendo or line involving pokemon or some shit. Speaking of, are pokemon still big round these parts? I remember when those cute little japanimated fucks came out back in the day, they were all the rage, I once sold a Blastoise card for $25, not bad if you ask me, but you didn't so that's ok.