Pretending I haven't neglected this journal for months on end...

Jul 23, 2012 06:06

I have two spaces I’m working on to unfuck right now. First is my room. It’s a very tiny room, and so it gets destroyed very easily, and then becomes so hard to move around in that cleaning it up feels like a ridiculously complicated task.

Second is my boat. I have a small sailboat, and it’s in pretty messy shape, so there’s a lot of cleaning to do before I can really start on the renovations. Sadly, the 20/10s don’t work well for the boat, because most tasks can’t be broken down that far. (Tasks like; dismantling a bulkhead, installing new wiring, etc.) But there are a few, like vacuuming out the crud that accumulates, and draining the rain-full bilge. So I need to be tackling those more regularly, and hopefully they’ll inspire me to do more aboard in general.

I’m at work right now, which is of course the time when my brain is most disposed to do stuff. But as soon as I get home, I intend to spend 20 minutes vacuuming out the boat, take 10, and then another twenty cleaning out one drawer of my dresser so it can be home to clothes again.

Unless it’s raining.
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