My life as a scratch post

Apr 02, 2006 14:50

The puppy does not like loud noises, especially "In the Hall of the Mountain King" played at full blast. Barbarian. Canines are unintellectual creatures, but I digress....

I have yet to see V for Vendetta though from the overwhelming reviews of "OMG it rocked!!1!" from a number of my friends, I have deduced that it does, in fact, rock. I was planning on seeing it yesterday, but then the puppy thing happened, and dad is gone off flea-marketing again since it is Sunday. Jerkface. George has bitten my face. And my leg. And my toes. And my hand. Repeatedly. But he's so gosh-darn cute. I can wear a few/a lot scratch marks....for now. Full grown dogs who do that are no-so cool.
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