Wouldn't you love to be.

Jan 05, 2006 02:23

The pain just doesn't hurt enough. Masocist body and mind. Are you an angel now, or a vulture, constantly hovering over, waiting for a big mistake. It's like the dull throbbing of a loose tooth. Not enough hurt to not poke at it with your tongue, but just enough of an annoyance that you try to push it out and be rid of the pain altogether. But when it is gone...there is just this space. All empty, waiting for a new one to grow in. Am I waiting for a new growth? Is this the awkward period between teeth? Baby to adult. I can't believe I'm comparing my life to bones. I feel so empty all the time then suddenly full then depressed then back to empty. It's this weird cycle. Restless. That is what I am. When will that fucking tooth just come??! I'm still very bitter about the fact that Jenny knocked my adult front teeth out all those years ago. Hers are so perfect and beautiful. They seem fake like her, all polished and white nd straight like the back of a chair, but they aren't fake and she isn't either. Just peppy. I hate her perfect teeth. Bitch.

It's not fair that my most profound thoughts come to me at midnight or when I'm nowhere near a computer. Bastard mind always tricking me. I have finally outwitted myself.

This line is metaphysical
And on the one side, on the one side
The bad half live in wickedness
And on the other side, on the other side
The good half live in arrogance
And there's a steep slope with a short rope
This line is metaphysical
And there is a steady flow moving to and fro

And oh look you earned your wings
Are you an angel now, or a vulture
Constantly hovering over
Waiting for a big mistake
Oh my God, what have I done?

Wouldn't you love to be?
On the cover of a magazine
Healthy skin, perfect teeth
Designed to hide what lies beneath

I feel the darkness growing stronger
As you cram light down my throat
How does that work out for you?
In your holy quest to be above reproach

My journals are usually just one topic so I must change that. Obsessed with change. Accept it, but it's difficult. Hmmm.....this song is great. I say that about alot of songs. There are so many great songs. Recognize. It's about that lovely "holier than thou" retoric Evangelics love to spew out of their lovely, lovely mouths full of perfect white teeth. Braces no doubt used to make them pretty. That's what he's saying. They polish their outsides to cover what lies underneath all the normal. The do indeed live in arrogance and fortune, convinced that God has blessed them and cursed the wicked. Oh Lord, I must be one of the worst.

Incidentally, Pedro the Lion is coming to the Granada in Feb. They just broke up. Poor dears. I hope they make up.
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