Embarassing pictures of Johnny

Nov 28, 2008 15:27

Johnny asked me not to post some of these pictures of him. Lets turn this into a game of which photos he didn't want posted! heh.

Speaking of Johnny being no fun, he canceled our trip to Vegas in December. Looking at it now it's kind of a relief with all the money I've been spending recently. Over $200 on clothes and shoes this week alone just to name one thing. So instead of going to Vegas and then LA I'm going to postpone visiting Alyssa in LA until January (January 7th to be exact) so mark your calendars, California!

One of the best perks of dating Johnny is his suburban lifestyle. Hinsdale actually reminds me of Flint if Flints population were only white people and the economy was thriving.  The stores and lay out is very similar to Flints and the mall is equally as awesome as the one in flint.

I got to visit a Journey's which I hadn't been able to do since I was last in Flint... bought these bad boys:

I. Love. These. Shoes.

A couple days after I got these shoes was the KID SISTERRR show. It was the day before Thanksgiving so all my friends who actually WANTED to go to this show were all at home visiting their families... so I drug Johnny with me:

I wasn't too focused on getting good shots of this show. Just one decent one for the livejournal. Johnny and I showed up at 8:00 and kid sister was already on stage. Chicago shows are too god damn early. Damn curfews.

Johnny was really excited to be at the show.

Two mexican dudes fighting in the street. The guy on the right got punched in the face pretty damn hard. Total lol'z

The next day was Thanksgiving and I managed to butt my way into Johnny's families thanksgiving meal because I wanted some free food. And I was very interested to meet the people who birthed such an odd ball of a human.

This was my first time "meeting the parents" which I don't understand why meeting parents is such a huge deal in relationships to some people. I want everyone I know to meet my parents. it doesn't really hold any huge bearing if I want yo to meet them. It just means I think my parents are awesome and evreyone needs to meet them so they understand why I'm such a weird adult.

So with that said, I managed not to say "fuck" at the dinner table and that's definitely something to be thankful for.

After food we went bowling:

Johnny is serious about his bowling....and so am I.  We both hold very competitive spirits in whatever game we're playing together so that makes things very interesting.

The face of failure.

But then he won.

Dont worry, that was the only game of bowling hes ever beat me in.

Who would ever suspect a great shake like that could come from Hollywood Grill? God damn. Without a doubt, Hollywood Grill is the best shitty diner in Chicago. Fuck Golden Nugget, and especially fuck Clarkes.

at this point in the night i decided there needed to be more of my face in these pictures.

Today I had yet another day off of work so I decided to waste a bunch of money and go shopping:

MMMM!!!! How fucking SEXY is this shirt? I bought 3 kinds of this shirt in different colors I liked it so much. I never do that.

These pants fit like a dream.

These are the first pair of white pants I've ever owned. They're 95% cotton so I couldn't resist buying that.

This hoodie matches my zebra shorts perfectly. I have no idea what the strings are for seeing as there is no hood. I think I'm going to cut those off. They go down to my hips.

theres a nice overview of what I bought. I had the black and grey striped pants for a good month but I thought I'd throw those in the pile because I love them.

On a completely unrelated note... pigeons and I have one thing in common:

We dont eat the crust.

So that's my week! How was everyone's Thanksgiving?

Seriously. I'm interested to know. Tell me now!

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