Woah, Medical Bills.

Oct 05, 2008 13:24

Warning: This entry is extremely boring, I really just have to complain.

An entire fucking year ago when I first moved to Chicago my health insurance was going to expire according to my dad. So I had some last minute things done to me at a doctors office like 4 buildings from where I live. HPV vaccine (which I never finished getting the shots for because my insurance expired and I didn't want to pay it), and I had a stupid mole removed that I've been wanting to get rid of for a WHILE.

This is what the bill invoice looks like:

TDAP Vaccine ...............$70
Immunization Admin..........$25
Immunization Admin..........$25
H Papilloma Vacc 3 Dos.....$155
Destroy Benign.............$114
Office outpatient visi.....$128
Office outpatient visi.....$60

So... a vaccine and having a mole removed = $577 ?? What the fuck??

The doctors office is telling me my health insurance is denying the claim, although I called them before I made the appointment to ensure that it WAS covered. So now I'm forced to calling mommy and daddy and having them try to figure out what the fuck is going on. I've been getting these letters in the mail trying to figure out whats happening for the last YEAR and it seems like I'm getting no where.

On top of all this.. my visit on 12/22 (after my insurance expired) was due to the fact that I got SCABIES from working at Buffalo Wild Wings in their rat invested restaurant (I shit you not.) to which they gave me the address to bill their insurance company for workers comp, to which my doctors office told me they also denied the claim.

I quit BWW a couple weeks ago so if what theyre saying is true I'll be hard pressed to get that money out of them. IT's $77, which I suppose is cheap compared to the bill for $577, but god damn I am NOT paying $77 because of some major fuck up in the management department at that place. I'd rather fucking sue them, I don't even think I would care if I lost money in the long run.

fucking life.
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