Torontooooo + Apartment drama

Aug 30, 2008 12:36

My trip to Toronto was good. I wasn't looking forward to my 13 hour bus ride on greyhound but all I did was sleep the whole time, literally. I had to wake up to go through borders and after that it was pure sleeping goodness. I also watched the bob saget roast on my laptop which was great.

I got in Toronto at 1pm and Mike and I went to a fun restaruant with a patio.

Mike took me to Lake Ontario one of the days we went. He told me most of the time the water isn't swimmable because of high levels of ecoli, so everyone at the beach was just sitting in the sand. It makes me appreciate Lake Michigan.

We found this hiding spot by the lake.

Canada's parks have fun things:

I think I drank an ice cappichino from Tim Hortons at least once a day while I was in town. None of the times in which they took Mike and I's order properly.

This picture was taken on the way to Canada's Wonderland, which is basically Six Flags or Cedar Point minus the alcohol. How can you go to a rollercoaster place and not serve alcohol?

I don't like roller coasters because I'm a huge pussy and they hurt my stomach, so we spent most of the day at the water park. Which was pretty much the first real water park I ahd ever been to. I went to the one in Lapeer, that has 3 slides, one of which is a tiny frog slide.

^This is wonderland. Apparently Kat works there, and I kept telling mike, "There's Kat!" and he'd look....buwahah.

While I was in town Mike's dad and his family had to go to a funeral for Mikes dads good friend. While at the funeral (Mike didn't want to go) Mikes sister's boyfriend was making fun of a retard (literally) calling him a faggot. Mikes dad warned him not to do that shit or he'd get kicked out, but he continued to do it so he got the shit beat out of him, he tried to beat up Mike's dad, and a bunch of crazy shit like that.

One of the nights we went to Craig Irving's place. He presented us this cake:

Apparently, for the last 10 years of Craig's life he has gotten the same grocery store birthday cake each week, having the bakers put a different message on the cake. Last week it said "Congratulations on your big jump" put on his cake, because Craig went sky diving recently. The baker probably thinks he's a nut job.

Now onto the apartment drama... The night before I was leaving Toronto I get a text from my friend Jeph saying "What the fuck is going on with Jeremy??" I had been out of country for about a week so I had no clue. I texted Jeremy to which he linked me to a lengthy LJ entry basically saying he thinks he raped one of his co-workers at a party she was having at her house.

He thinks friends of hers are coming after him, so he told me he was moving out before I even get back from Toronto. I have no idea when he planned on telling me this. I tried to talk him out of it because it seemed pretty harsh considering he didn't even know if he did it or not (He said he was pretty wasted), and he hadn't even talked to the girl about it.

I immediately called Nathan/Cooorn up because we had been planning on getting a place together in Chicago anyway so he could just move into Jeremys room. The problem with that was, unbeknownst to me, Nathan had spent all the money he had saved for moving. After the first apartment we tried getting fell through I guess he decided he was going to wait until spring to move.

On my way home from Toronto, while I'm still trying to arrange everything that's going to happen with the apartment situation, my phone shuts off and says I have exceeded my spending limit of about $400. I knew there was no way in hell that was possible, considering how I'm all paid up on all my bills and always am, and I hardly even used my phone while I was in Toronto because of the roaming costs.

I get to my parents house and call T-Mobile and tell them what's going on. They tell me I have to pay $200 to activate my phone again, but they can't tell me where the charges were coming from for at least 2 more days for them to process. I was pretty pissed to say the least. Losing my phone in the midst of all this apartment bullshit was the last thing I needed.

Nathan and I decided to move his shit down to Chicago and he would just pay me back the money for rent and whatnot when he had it. So we packed up all his crap in my parents car and went back to my apartment.

Jeremy is indeed gone when we get back to my place. He left behind piles and piles of useless shit (a ton of books, his sleep number mattress that was stained yellow from sweat or whatever, and a million other things). On top of that, our internet was shut off because Jeremy was behind in payment.

So I'm back in Chicago with new insane bills to pay for rent, no phone and no internet.

We put all his shit in garbage bags and stacked them by the door in case he wanted them back:

All of that crap is Jeremy's excluding the office chair.

The next day I decided to say "fuck it" and just threw it all in the dumpster.

At this point, my phone is still shut off for no particular reason. After Nathan and my parents went back home (nathan had to go back to Michigan to pick up some paychecks) I had to ride my bike to work to use the phone to call T Mobile.

After talking to customer service for about an hour, they called the charges on my phone "Ghost Charges" meaning, they had no fucking clue where they were coming from. They said they would take the charges of $400 some dollars off my account, but all the supervisors were in a meeting, so it would take up to another day to get the charges taken off my phone approved.

I'm still in the process of figuring out how much I ACTUALLY owe them for this month's bill and how they're going to repay me for all this bullshit I had to go through.

Yesterday I met up with my landlord, whom I have never met before, to talk about the apartment drama and fill out paper work to have the place in my name. I had to put down a security deposit, something that totally didn't even cross my mind. So with 2 days notice I had to come up with $1180 for my landlord, and thank god I save my money, so I had enough in my account to do so.

Jeremy still owes $73 from half the rent I paid him for September that he took, Nathan owes me $390 for the apartment business plus whatever it cost me to get cable internet in my name, which I haven't been billed for yet. I know Nathan is good for the money whenever he gets it, it just sucks when people owe me money.

I HATE lending out money to anyone, especially because I've had some bad experiences in the past. For example, Renee still owes me like $200 from the flight to LA she said she'd pay for, which I paid up front because she said she'd give it to me when I got there. This was about 6 months ago and she doesn't have a job at the moment. I'm probably never going to get that money back even if she did have a job.

But I don't want to end this entry on a bunch of shitty notes, there are a couple good things that came from all this crap:

1) Jeremy is no longer my roommate. Jeremy if you're reading this, you're fun to be around and we got along decently, but I hated cleaning up after you 100% of the time I was living here.

2) Jeremy's computer is no longer set up on the kitchen counter....something that everyone knew made me fucking crazy

3) The apartment will stay clean now that Jeremy is gone.

4) I moved my TV and stand into the livingroom leaving more room in my bedroom.

5) Nathan is definitely moving here very very soon.

AND... another sweet thing that happened is my parents bought me a Wii for my birthday. Ever since I could remember I got $25 cash for my birthday, and this year my parents decided to do something awesome and get me a Wii.

I can't wait for the next guitar hero to come out!
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