LA and Minnesotaaaa

Feb 26, 2008 23:22

Hahah yeah, I know this is really delayed but here are the pics from LA:

sweet boots....if you're a fag. (ohh. burn.)

Anyway... my flight there was awesome. I was the only one on the plane that had 3 seats all to themself:

flying to the west coast is purdy.

Anyway, usually I try to post the pictures in chronological order, but its been too long and I'm lazy, heh. So here's a random assortment of pictures:

i told alyssa i was scared to take pictures with her because she was going to look better than me....and that turned out to be true.

renee and i traded wallets. she used to have the bacon one. now it is mine!!!

the wallet trading in action.

i made out like a bandit. Matt agrees.

heh...spork. he's so amused hahaha.


where vyncent flaw stickers deserve to go, heh.

i just like fat asses.

one of the days i was there we had a bon fire on the beach. it was good. and so is beer.

And trip to Minnesota:

Megabus was awesome whatever year it was I discovered it...and they keep getting better and better. Not only were the bus tickets $10 round trip, but the busses are now...........are you ready for this?.................







That's my excited face. ...Followed by a kitten type noise according to Amanda.

Hello, tiny people.

Hello, stairs.

Waking up at 10am was too early for Mike, so he stayed up all night and slept on the bus, heheh.

We have a table. And a free orange courtesy  of the people in front of us who had it roll out of their bag. (The monkey thing is my camera holder, and his name is Chichiamochan. Fuck off.)

While Owen was at work Mike and I went to this restaurant down the street from where Owen lives because it looked like a total piece of shit. So Mike and I got the Hope's Silver Spoon Dinner Specials.. I got the hamburger and lower on the menu there is a club sandwich dinner special...which now that I think about it...having a sandwich for dinner doesnt make sense... but anyhoo..

When we gave our order our server (Who was definitely John Waters 

didn't ask us if we wanted soup or salad, or anything like that and we were both kind of confused with all the promises of salad or soup, dessert, dinner rolls and what have you.

The server (remember...john waters...who I will now refer to as "John Waiters".) brought our burger and sandwich and we asked about the dinner special...this is how the conversation went down:

John Waiters: Oh.. I'd see how you'd be confused by that sign. The hamburger actually doesn't come with soup or salad.

Me: ....What about Mike's sandwich?

John Waiters: ....Actually yeah...not that one either...

Then there was an awkward silence and John Waiters went away. He came back a couple minutes later and said "....She said you can have soup."

I have never felt confused, irritated, and amused all at the same time before that moment. Also..Mikes club sandwich only had Ham-steak and Bacon on it.

When we got our checks, he asked, "Do you guys want ice cream?" in a "Hey booooyyys!" kind of way. Then I was even more confused.

We tipped him a dollar and fucked off'd of that place.

The next day was the Foxy/SMB/Tub Ring/MWCTW show. We were a little late so we missed MWCTW which I was kind of sad about. Especially after I listened to their demo and it turned out to be really good. Sigh. Maybe next time.

Anyhoo...everyone was awesome at the show but especially Foxy. They're going to go places...and when they do I'm going to be jealous of their success.

Karate High School.............terrible. Horrible, terrible band. And when I say that, I don't mean they suck playing their instruments, but their arrangement of songs are so fucking generic... but whatever. I digress. But there is a point I'm trying to make here...

There is a band from Toronto named Ninja High School that's been around before Karate High School, so when I told Mike some band named KHS was playing he was like  "Wtfz".

After a few drinks and after KHS's set Mike went up to the singer guy:

Mike- Have you heard of a band named Ninja High School that's better than you?

Guy- YeAh We OpEnEd Up 4 tHeM @ WArpEd ToUre LOL!!!

Thats about the time I came up and tried to calm everyone down and not have Mike get kicked out of the club.

But... the guy called security and said Mike punched him in the face (Which all he did according to Mike was slap him on the back of the head) and Mike was kicked out haha.

After Mike was kicked out I apologized again to the guy and he was just like "WelLL BuT WtF Iz w// ThAt D00d???" and all I could say was "Well..... he's canadian...." and then dude's buddy butted in with "MaYbE U Shood SenD HimM BaCk 2 CanaADaaa LOL!!!"

They were being total drama queens about everything....when it'd actually be a lot cooler if they were just like "YEaH We Sux. Lol"

I'm surprised they haven't had to deal with such harsh criticism like that before. But then again they're from Cali. Well....welcome to the Midwest, KHS I guess. You suck.

Anyway...then there was the after party:

Did I mention Zee from Seattle was at this show?!?! Wtf.

Scode was rolling around naked at the after party. He lost his sweet hot topic belt apparently, heh.

I accidentally left my camera at the party house aka the chug a lug aka cass's old house aka brooks's house...and brooks had this pic on my camera when we met up later to see Juno:

Juno was funny, btw. Everyone go see it.

Owen, Megan, Brooks, Mike, Me and some more went to Ruby Tuesday after the movie:

Megan shows off her arm pit hair. 100% real.

Then we went back to Owens to play MArio PArty 8 for Wii. We played the shit out of Wii that weekend:

Megan was really drunk.  Video of that coming up soon. It will probably be my next entry.

Theres a mini game on mario party 8 that involves shaking a can of pop as hard as you can...which coincidentally is the same motion guys use to jack off, so clearly owen won that game:

Owen and I on top of the Mall of America haha. Check out that mid west view.

Mall of America


All in all good times. Definitely worth $20, heh.
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