Jesus Christ, what a douchebag.

Oct 07, 2007 23:41

Okay so a couple weeks after I first moved into my apartment in Chicago (This was about 3 months ago) my friend May asked if I would house her friend and his girlfriend in my house for $200 for 4 nights. They were going to lollapalooza. I told Jeremy I'd split the money with them and he said it was cool, he just so happened to be going out of town that weekend anyway.

So the guy (Ben) I let him and his girl have Jeremy's room on an air mattress (which mysteriously popped after they left). I got $100 upfront, I actually asked for it all up front like an intelligent person, but they gave me some bullshit excuse. But they were friends of May so I trusted them, or well, I trusted May at least. So the LAST day on the LAST night they were staying they never came in to give me the rest of the money. I went in the room and got some LAME excuse about how they couldn't manage their money properly enough to save $100 more to pay me back. They gave me $50 and said they'd mail me the rest of the money.

A month went by, I sent him a couple e-mails via facebook only to be responded to with more bullshit excuses and yack yack. Finally I had enough.

This is what I wrote him:
Alright I'm sick of playing nice with you. It's been over 3 months and you have yet to mail me the money. $50 isn't shit within a 3 month span, going to college or not. May I remind you you are the one that came up with the $200 agreement?

I was doing you a favor letting you stay here and also letting you leave $50 less on what we originally agreed on. I should have listened to my instincts and kicked you out of my house when you said you couldn't manage your money well enough to save an extra $50.

May has already offered to pay me back the money you fucked me on, so I'm going to have her mail that to me in a week unless I get money from you. If you are any kind of friend to her you will do the right thing and pay me before your friend has to make up for you being a douche bag.

Hey. First of all. I should have denyed you any money the second I got there and was asked to sleep on a fucking concrete floor in your what was it um, a living room maybe? I don't know if you ever learned how to recieve guests but that isn't the way. Secondly when you have guests you hold a certain responsability, a responsibility to not leave at the time you know that your guests are returning and lock them out of the house. Thankfully you came back but trust me I did not expect it. And finally an air matress that deflaits over the course of the night is not a bed. You my friend are very fucking lucky that I love May so much because never would I make her pay a debt which I have only myself to blame. Don't worry though, you will get your fifty dollars, I thought it was going to your roomate but I guess you forgot to tell him that huh? And, yes thank you for being so good as to remind me that I was the one who offered the $200 pay out. I almost thought that I could have stayed in a hotel for that much and was doing you a favor by paying you but I guess that is crazy talk or something. I am getting my check on tuesday and then you will have your money mailed to you. Leave May out of it, for you to take money from her is disgusting and completely outragous.
P.S. If you think 50 bucks aint shit in a 3 month span try paying $45,000 plus $4,000 on materials a year and then talk shit to me. I didn't fuck you on shit, get a fucking life you pathetic bottom feeding bitch.

Love, Ben.

PPs. You want your money give me your address.

Then I just sent this:

I TOLD you about the concrete floors. I made SURE you knew this wasn't going to be the Hilton. And if $200 really COULD cover the price of your hotel for 4 nights (hahaha yeah fucking right, btw) you obviously would have stayed in a hotel. I also told you about the locked apartment situation. Did you think I was going to sit around the whole 4 days you were here and wait for you to get home? That's completely unrealistic.

And I'm not even sure why you're bringing that up anyway because I DID go back to let you in, and then after that I left my apartment unlocked for you, which could have been completely robbed by you or anyone.

I'm speaking for my roommate because I was the one responsible for your actions, he's the one actually getting the money and if you don't believe me this is his myspace:

Go ahead and write him asking.

and also, one of my previous messages:
"So when will you be getting that social security check? My roommateis getting his hours cut and any little bit helps."

You can ask May about anything I'm telling you right now if you don't remember me warning you about all this. I also told her to reiterate back to you, and I also told you again before you came here to make sure she told you. So please don't act all high and mighty and like I or Jeremy don't deserve the money we agreed on.

Boo hoo on your college fees. Welcome to reality. Next time you make a deal be an adult and make sure to follow through on your word. People in the future will probably be more violent than I.

Our address is:
******** [Edited in LJ for stalkers]
Chicago, IL

What a cheap bastard piece of shit lying face cunt-queef.  I don't want to hear his stupid fucking excuses about college (most of those loans don't have to be paid for until way after you graduate anyway) boo fucking hoo. Man I can't wait to get the rest of this kid's hard earned money when he probably doesn't even have a job.
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