The very delayed entry.

Aug 08, 2007 21:52

Last month was pretty nuts for me.

July 12th - 20th I was on Warped Tour with Look What I Did getting my feet wet in the tour managing biz, and all that. Barry asked me very short notice, I'm actually surprised I pulled off getting to Nashville in time for tour. I left 5 hours after he asked me. They greyhound was surprisingly pleasant. I had two seats to myself the whole time, and I slept the whole way there.

Tour started out with Pulled pork sandwiches. Whatever that is, it tastes awesome.

There were 7 people in the van, but it was surprisingly not uncomfortable. The only uncomfortable part was me being from the North, it was WAY too humid for my skin down there, so I was sticky all the time, and sweaty, and everyone else's skin was soft and normal. Stupid southerners, heh.

A homeless man asks Ty for a dollar for a bean burrito. He kept saying bean burrito over and over. Ty is kind of shy, so he had a hard time shooing the bum away. I was egging him on "C'mon Ty...don't you have a dollar for this guy? He just wants a bean burrito...c'mon"

This other black dude was harassing the clerk at the gas station. Dude was pissed. I thought I was going to get shanked.

At one of the shows I met another DFD kid. I love meeting people on the interwebs, heh. That night Lindsay(Merch Girl) and I were tipped two dollars, two beers and two grilled cheese sandwiches.

I forgot to mention LWID has a house together. I can't imagine a band living together AND touring together and having that work out, they really must love eachother

...a little too much.

Barry. MMmm...pee fetish.

The night after that show we stayed at Barry's friend Taylor's house. She's awesome. Her house is awesome. She made us a bunch of food (which we ate a shit load of, I really didn't think 7 people could eat thaaat much). We got drunk, especially Taylor, hahaha. She's a crazy entertaining drunk, the best kind. Video of that coming soooon.

[Edit Video in here]

Warped Tour somewhere in Texas. Jesus H, girl. Put on some pants.

Jake eating a tomato in catering. Disgusting.

Catering was awesome. Free food and drinks, as much shit as you want.  I was excited as fuck.

Barry was excited too.

Weird dancing lion people?

Free monsters every day too. No one ever makes the connection that Monster Energy Drink Truck = Free monsters. So I walk up there, when no one's around, and get a free monster. And then people see me and think "hey....what....." and then suddenly theres a big crowd. That happened about every day. I like the blue ones.

I think after this show we drove to the next date, and ended up sleeping in the van. This was probably the low point in the tour. The van has leather interior and I was literally stuck to the seat. That day of warped tour was delayed until tomorrow because it was storming at 6am and they thought it would get worse or something. The fans were pissed because the tickets said "Rain or Shine" haha. I was NOT sad at all to hear about this, however. I was tired and gross.

Barry's friend Taylor (again) was at this show too, it wasn't too far from where she lived. She got us a hotel pizza and drinks... which was fucking...awesome..

The one sitting up is Taylor, she rocks.

I looks like Jake and I are naked in this picture. I assure you, we're not. Well maybe he was, I don't remember.

I cant count how many times I saw this ^^^ on tour.

The next day we were probably all pretty refreshed. To top it all, Warped was moved indoors that day, which was awesome for everyone. I'm sure someone was complaining about it, but this show was overall the best. Kids were more receptive to listen/buy shit because the sun wasn't beating down on them and fucking up their lives.

Lindsay (Merch) and I. Two sweaty gross girls.

After this show we went to the BBQ Warped Tour has. What I liked most was the liquor tent. They had popov and obviously didn't ID. Well, sorta.

Girl- You're 21 right?
Me- Of course!

All you have to do is tip a couple bucks. Lindsay and I met the Anberlin dudes (who are extremely nice, I might add). There were a lot of people that acted like hot shit and too good to speak to us so it was refreshing to meet dudes that didn't have their heads in their ass.

On our way to Nawwwlins:

How cute.

Somewhere in New Orleans I think, Ty was attacked by fire ants.He said he was just walking on the sidewalk, looked down, and they were covering his foot. Crazy shit. I was wearing sandals the whole tour I'm lucky that didn't happen to me.


That basically concluded our tour. LWID made some sort of profit going out, so that's good.

I had a night in Nashville before I went home, so Ty and Jake took me to this apartment complex pool that was awesome. Then Ty gave me jimmy johns for the bus ride home.

All the LWID dudes are so nice. It was my first time actually meeting any of them, so I was a little apprehensive. They were so accommodating and actually appreciated what I did for them. I would love to go on tour with them again.


A couple hours after I got home I got a call from JT saying ACF was in town, so Nichole and I went down to the new myspace cafe to check that out. I had been waiting to see ACF for literally like...3 years so I was excited. They rock live, they have such a cute wholesome vibe to them, and yet it's still exciting to watch.


The day after that I moved all my crap down to my apartment in Chicago. It was the only day I could, but I still had to tie up loose ends in Michigan so I came back there to do stuff.

One of the loose ends, was covering Jenni in house paint and making her look like a bad arts and crafts project

She has killer tits.

The after math:

That section of her leg that doesn't have paint on it took about an hour to get off. Then I went home hahah.

A couple days after that I drove to Toledo to see May and James while I still had a car.

He had bat wings on, but it was too dark to tell.

I hate jon. hahah.

We went to Toledo goth night...which sucked. So we left shortly after that to get drunk and fuck around. It was a good night. I miss those guys :(

After that I went home to work for Downtown Brown on their Warped Tour date.

This was the best DTB show I have ever seen. They played at like 11am and they still had a huge crowd.

This kid tried starting a mosh pit and was literally dragged out by security:

Later on that tour, DTB was also kicked out of Warped Tour, which is crazy enough story on it's own that I don't feel like typing.

John and Vince were at Warped too working for some band that I forget their name. They were shitting their pants about catering as I did the first time I had it.

Meghan and I went together. This was the first warped tour where I snuck alcohol into, and man, was that a good idea. Seriously. You're so hot the alcohol kicks in so fast and hits you really hard.

Coincidentally, there was a megabus stop 2 blocks away from warped tour, so in the middle of warped I walked down to the stop and caught a bus to Chicago and OFIFICALLYYYY moved in.

I got to unpack my shit, which was really exciting actually. This is my room:

I put that hello kitty blanket on my wall over the microwave box night stand, to make my room look a little less ghetto.

In the week I lived here I've already made a couple friends. Anthonys now ex girlfriend Gianna, and Anthony's co-worker Ryan...and soon I'm going to meet up with this other dude named Joel.

Ironically, as soon as I moved down to Chicago Anthony and I are no longer friends. We've been friends for 5 years when we DIDN'T live near eachother and now that we do... yeah.  I'm not going to get into that either, but it's definitely his fault, heh.

Ben Desroaches came into town a couple days ago for the Daiquiri/Neil Hamburger show, which is a great story. I'll make another entry about that later when I feel like it.
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