save me

Nov 10, 2007 18:36

Title: Save me

Author: i_ht_wolfe

Fandom:CSI Miami


Raiting: PG-13

Disclaimer: Characters, i no own, Mistakes well them yes

A/N: Un betad so sorry.

He could hear someone calling his name but he couldn't bring himself to look up from the knife he held tightly in his shaking right hand. As the person neared and grabbed his arms he had no choice but to lift his watery gaze slowly to look into his boss' beautiful blue eyes, which were now filled with worry. "Look at your wrist." He knew it wasn't a request. He once again lowered his gaze to his bloody wrist. How could he have done that? How could he have cut his own wrist with a pocket knife? He suddenly felt dizzy.

"Horatio..." he started before he was cut off.

"I'm not gonna let you do this. Your blaming yourself for this girls death even though there was nothing you could have done. Well this you can stop and you better. I care about you to much to let you do this to yourself."

"Promise?" he wispered in a broken voice as he lifted his eyes to look back into those deep blue eyes, he always felt lost in.

"I promise." was the confident reply. He found himself leaning in slowly untill his breath was felt on the older mans lips.

"Save me."

"Always." was all that was said before he crashed his lips into Horatio's. He closed his eyes and dropped the knife from his shakey hands as he saw stars infront of him. He braught his tounge out to play for a breif moment before pulling back for air.

"I love you Horatio."

"I love you to Ryan."

angst, fic, horatio/ryan

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