Random Fic

Dec 14, 2008 15:20

Title: Worst Christmas Ever
Author: ME (i_ht_wolfe)
Rating: Pg13

I worte this during English because I was bored. Please note that it contains vampires and a festive twist - but not  happy one. XD

As I approached the corner I realised that I had taken a wrong turn.  The street that I was on was a long, narrow and deserted path, lit only by the shadows of the moon above.  The trees stood tall, as the crooked branches swayed rhythmically in the bellowing wind. The smell of fear was rising from every angle and I could almost taste the foul stench of my panic. I continued down the deserted path, to afraid to turn around and find myself at the business end of a 45. I found myself imagining one of those old horror films where you knew what was going to happen yet it scared you anyway. My long black hair danced in the harsh breeze, the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. I could see two rows of houses that were dark and eerie, with no decorations at all. I wondered if the people here celebrated Christmas, or if anyone lived here at all. It seemed so dead in that street, that’s the only way I can describe it. If it wasn’t for the dim yellow light, the blood red moon and the wind breathing life into the trees, I swear I would have been the only thing there alive. I didn’t realise that would change so soon. When I thought I was alone my panic fell slightly and I allowed my muscles to relax. My calmness was short lived however, and I tensed once more as I felt something move around behind me.

I turned to see you standing there, greasy black hair, darker than mine, pale skin and white teeth stained with blood. You stood there with your head held high in pride as you gripped the bloody knife and I froze. My mind was screaming at me to run but my legs refused to co-operate. Then realisation dawned into me and I began running. I stumbled slightly on an invisible rock but a stumble was all it for you to gain the advantage and tackle me to the ground. I saw you raise the knife but even when I knew you had won I struggled, refusing to allow you to do this to me without a fight. That’s why it surprised me when you didn’t stab me; you simply laughed cruelly and knocked me unconscious.

“Merry Christmas Lucy…” was the last thing I heard before I fell into the welcoming darkness. When I awoke I wished I hadn’t. I could feel pain radiating all over my body and for a moment I feared I was on fire. The though of me dying like that, being so helpless and weak, brought tears to my eyes. The most intense pain I felt was in my neck, I could feel the puncture wounds, the blood was running through them and onto my deathly cold fingers as I tried to stem the flow. But then I realised as I looked over to you, I wasn’t dying. My body was simply changing to become like yours; faster, stronger, sharper but most of all more deadly. I had always read stories about you, they all called you different thing like evil or some even called you a ghost but now I shall call you the devil because with you I am in hell.

To say that was the worst Christmas of my life (or un-death, thanks to you) would be an understatement. I never arrived at my parents house that Christmas eve and never will again because no matter how much they look for me they wont find me. I am the night, and I will never be found by someone who wants me to find them, I will only find innocent people like I use to be before you. Who knows, maybe next Christmas I can give someone the same present I got from you, and watch as they squirm and writher and endure the hell I am reminded of each day as I look into your eyes and see the same evil smirk as I saw the first time we met, the moment you realised you had won. My message to anyone who listens is simply this, if you are going some where for Christmas don’t travel of a night. We are the night and we will find you. Trust me when I say if we find you, nobody else ever will. Merry Christmas.

pg13, angst, fic, vampires, random

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