YES or NO* 1. ugly? no 2. kind? sometimes 3. quiet? no 4. loud? alot 5. shy? NO 6. weird? naw 7. selfish? nope 8. ghetto? HELLZ YEAUH 9. crazy? totaly 10. hot? sure 11. cute? like a baby's bottom 12. nice? ah if your having a good day 13. mean? if your PMS'n or a bad day ( or with brian ) lol jk 14. immature? no not really 15. rude? yeh sometimes but its allways funny 16. cool? yeh! 17. asshole? no but u have one tho 18. stupid? only on the out side 19. caring? yeh 20. mature? yes 21. a friend? YEH 22. more than a friend?nope 23. talkative?yes 24. boring?anything but that 25. sexy? sounds like sex to me no to both lol 26. creative? in your own way 27. smart? when u wanna be 28. a flirt? yeh 29. a psycho? definaly 30. athletic? no 31. confusing? not really i understand u just fine 32. sweet? yes like milkshakes on a sunday morning!! 33. mood swings? yeh 34. attractive? they ask this kind of Q alot 35. annoying? no 36. funny?yeh 37. hyper? yeh 38. laid back? sometimes 39. perfect? NO!
**JUST SOME QUESTIONS** 1. What is my phone #?:2658185 or 4588603 2. (a) Do u think I'll get married?:yeh (b) If u do..who do u think I'll marry?:brian or jessica simpson 3. When is my birthday?: december 4. Who is my best friend?: shelby? or kaylee some chik prollie 5. Where did we meet?:gym 6. Have you ever had a dream about me?:yeh i had a dream watching i and brian fuk lmao 7. If you could change one thing about me what would it be? that you would grow lol I LOVE YOU!
8. Describe me in 3-5 words: joo-ish,short,kickass<3 9. If u could tell me one last thing what would it be?:good night baby joo gurl 10. If u could ask me anything what would it be?: where are the condoms are whers the phone to call christine lol jk
**Opposite Sex ONLY** 1. Would you consider being my boyfriend?: naw 2. Would you ever kiss me?: noppy 3. a. Have you ever had a crush on me?: i thought u were cute last year but no i dont think so b. If so, when?:never lol 4. Am i ugly, decent, ok, sexy, or hot?:ok or hot not sure 5. Do you like me?: as a friend and thats all
1. ugly? no
2. kind? sometimes
3. quiet? no
4. loud? alot
5. shy? NO
6. weird? naw
7. selfish? nope
8. ghetto? HELLZ YEAUH
9. crazy? totaly
10. hot? sure
11. cute? like a baby's bottom
12. nice? ah if your having a good day
13. mean? if your PMS'n or a bad day ( or with brian ) lol jk
14. immature? no not really
15. rude? yeh sometimes but its allways funny
16. cool? yeh!
17. asshole? no but u have one tho
18. stupid? only on the out side
19. caring? yeh
20. mature? yes
21. a friend? YEH
22. more than a friend?nope
23. talkative?yes
24. boring?anything but that
25. sexy? sounds like sex to me no to both lol
26. creative? in your own way
27. smart? when u wanna be
28. a flirt? yeh
29. a psycho? definaly
30. athletic? no
31. confusing? not really i understand u just fine
32. sweet? yes like milkshakes on a sunday morning!!
33. mood swings? yeh
34. attractive? they ask this kind of Q alot
35. annoying? no
36. funny?yeh
37. hyper? yeh
38. laid back? sometimes
39. perfect? NO!
1. What is my phone #?:2658185 or 4588603
2. (a) Do u think I'll get married?:yeh
(b) If u do..who do u think I'll marry?:brian or jessica simpson
3. When is my birthday?: december
4. Who is my best friend?: shelby? or kaylee some chik prollie
5. Where did we meet?:gym
6. Have you ever had a dream about me?:yeh i had a dream watching i and brian fuk lmao
7. If you could change one thing about me what would it
be? that you would grow lol I LOVE YOU!
8. Describe me in 3-5 words: joo-ish,short,kickass<3
9. If u could tell me one last thing what would it be?:good night baby joo gurl
10. If u could ask me anything what would it be?: where are the condoms are whers the phone to call christine lol jk
**Opposite Sex ONLY**
1. Would you consider being my boyfriend?: naw
2. Would you ever kiss me?: noppy
3. a. Have you ever had a crush on me?: i thought u were cute last year but no i dont think so
b. If so, when?:never lol
4. Am i ugly, decent, ok, sexy, or hot?:ok or hot not sure
5. Do you like me?: as a friend and thats all
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