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joo boy renegade_419_xx March 23 2005, 22:39:32 UTC
YES or NO*
1. ugly? no
2. kind? sometimes
3. quiet? no
4. loud? alot
5. shy? NO
6. weird? naw
7. selfish? nope
8. ghetto? HELLZ YEAUH
9. crazy? totaly
10. hot? sure
11. cute? like a baby's bottom
12. nice? ah if your having a good day
13. mean? if your PMS'n or a bad day ( or with brian ) lol jk
14. immature? no not really
15. rude? yeh sometimes but its allways funny
16. cool? yeh!
17. asshole? no but u have one tho
18. stupid? only on the out side
19. caring? yeh
20. mature? yes
21. a friend? YEH
22. more than a friend?nope
23. talkative?yes
24. boring?anything but that
25. sexy? sounds like sex to me no to both lol
26. creative? in your own way
27. smart? when u wanna be
28. a flirt? yeh
29. a psycho? definaly
30. athletic? no
31. confusing? not really i understand u just fine
32. sweet? yes like milkshakes on a sunday morning!!
33. mood swings? yeh
34. attractive? they ask this kind of Q alot
35. annoying? no
36. funny?yeh
37. hyper? yeh
38. laid back? sometimes
39. perfect? NO!

1. What is my phone #?:2658185 or 4588603
2. (a) Do u think I'll get married?:yeh
(b) If u do..who do u think I'll marry?:brian or jessica simpson
3. When is my birthday?: december
4. Who is my best friend?: shelby? or kaylee some chik prollie
5. Where did we meet?:gym
6. Have you ever had a dream about me?:yeh i had a dream watching i and brian fuk lmao
7. If you could change one thing about me what would it
be? that you would grow lol I LOVE YOU!

8. Describe me in 3-5 words: joo-ish,short,kickass<3
9. If u could tell me one last thing what would it be?:good night baby joo gurl
10. If u could ask me anything what would it be?: where are the condoms are whers the phone to call christine lol jk

**Opposite Sex ONLY**
1. Would you consider being my boyfriend?: naw
2. Would you ever kiss me?: noppy
3. a. Have you ever had a crush on me?: i thought u were cute last year but no i dont think so
b. If so, when?:never lol
4. Am i ugly, decent, ok, sexy, or hot?:ok or hot not sure
5. Do you like me?: as a friend and thats all


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