until this all crashes down, ill hold on, into the darkness...not knowing at all...

Jan 14, 2005 08:02

hey yall. gawd i cannot believe i am up this early. today is the one year aniversary of the day carlos died ;( its sucks-i miss him. but me and brian got everything worked out so thats all better. my mom was lookin at cancun prices last night so i guess we are goin this year. brian is gunna go with us if he can get a job n stuff. hes goin to matts after school today so thats cool. i love matt to death. hes my baby boy. i got somethin runnin thru my head but i cant say. its really got me worried tho. =/ i have this whole sick feeling in my stomach about it. =( so i guess i am having a kinda partyish thing next weekend. i didnt invite many people. :yawn: ugh im startin to lose my voice and im getting sick again-always for my bday (in 6 days!) i gotta go get a shower n get ready. later yall.
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