Nov 25, 2004 18:55
ok thanksgiving this year sucked with a capital S-U-C-K-E-D!!! everything that could go wrong did go wrong!
i got my new set of contacts the other day because my old ones were all
fucked up and now they won't go in. they dont seem to like me very
much. although they're inatimate objects, they don't seem to want to
cooperate wiht me. whatever. i'll just be all blind and shit. today i
had to go to my aunts hosue and my uncle killed the damn turkey right
in front of me!! i named it tom and took a picture of it before i knew it was my dinner and then..a picture of tom after
everyone ate him..not much left of him now. i found it funny though,
how they had a pet turkey and turned on it so easily for food. mutiny i
tell you, MUTINY! i had a horrible morning, a horrible afternoon, and
the only good thing about today was that tom tasted good. (i guess i
can sneak in a little laugh here)haha. eww i'm wearing my glasses right
now because my stupidass contacts wont go in. then jeff asked if he
could use my ipod so i agreed and what od i get back..a broken
ipod! so i was all pissed at the little fucker for doing that so i used
my headphones for the trip to my aunts house in northbrook(our first
stop) the batteries were dead!! so i got new batteries at my aunts
house after being stuck in 2 hour traffice w/ nothing to listen to but
my siblings fight like the littel asses they are..i put them in the
player and it still doesnt work. so i decided to bury myself in
blankets on the way home and fall asleep. got home and went to my
grandparents hosue to visist them. now i'm still there..for a little
bit more.
this doesnt even break a dent into my day. i had the worst day today.
i hope everyone else in the world had abetter time than i did.