So, I don't know why I didn't discover just what this man was all about before...but now I have. And thus another celebrity crush gets added to my repertoire. He has joined the ranks of Jason Schwartzman, Adam Savage, Ben Foster, and Langly from the X-Files. Yes, I am aware that I am into quirky dudes. And I am totally down with that. Duh.
Anyway, how did he win my heart you ask? Well, he wrote a little ditty called Fett's Vette. And I heard that he played a show right before Episode III opened and bought everyone there tickets to the midnight showing. He truly is a man after my own heart! Anyway, I'm totally hooked on his nerdcore now.
That's pretty much all I've got to report at the moment.
Oh wait...actually, I just want to say that there are some pretty awesome kids in Bemidji. It has taken me some time to actually find them, but they exist! Good music, good beer, star wars, left-wing politics...I have found some kids with common interests! Yay! I still really miss Richmond and all of my friends there. Hopefully I might get out there for Christmas! <3!
I'm out.
p.s. why are the icons for the moods 'nerdy' and 'geeky' the same? and why do they have to be on the fucking computer? pffft.