(no subject)

Dec 22, 2006 14:02

Yeah, sorry if the Lj-Cut didn't work. I don't know what's up with LJ. Seems like a lot of updates have been made and I don't really know what's what anymore.

Lame. My life now has routine again and it's getting ridiculous. Because I'm the only over-18, non-elderly employee at Kmart (yes, I work at the fucking Kmart) capable of successfully running a cash register, I've been scheduled for literally every midnight shift from last Saturday to this Saturday. Seven PM to Midnight, every. Fucking. Day. It's not horrible, but I'm getting really sick of it.

Also, my parents have remodeled the bathroom downstairs - the one next to my room. With any other family, this would be great. Not mine. My dad is a huge Do-It-Yourself-er so thus has, er, done it himself. Also, my mother operates on the delusion that she knows something about interior design and has picked out all the colors and settings and everything. The result? Everything ITSELF is beautiful but TOGETHER looks like a redneck explosion of lack of taste. I swear to god. The tile is gorgeous - it's like this marriage of dark pastel autumn colors and there's this sort of inlaid rug pattern. I don't know how to describe it. Then there's this very rich light colored wood for the cabinets. Does NOT match the tile. Then there's gold-leaf wallpaper. Looks AWFUL with the other stuff. Like I told my parents multiple times, their taste is "atrocious."

Oh and there's no door handle. Brothers can watch me pee. I don't like this.

Our town has just built a roundabout. The first one in Minnesota! Yay, no one cares. But I did drive very fast around it one night when I was out at 1:30 AM. It was quite fun.

Also, it snowed yesterday. Whoo, first significant snowfall of the season. But heh, it's starting to rain. Snow will be gone by Christmas. I don't care much - it doesn't even seem Christmas-ish. It's kind of a lame time right now. Speculation to follow.

Maybe it's merely the fact that I just woke up and my family is here (and that usually pisses me off) and my dad is STILL in the bathroom (remodeling STILL) but it's like I have no respite from the things that piss me off. My parents are constantly on edge about nothing - perhaps I'll chalk it up to it being Christmastime and they're doing the bathroom - but I'm starting to get fed up here as well. And it's not the fact that my mother has become disturbingly Grinch-like (refusing us one of the 300-some cookies she made, insisting they're "for Christmas," as if we're going to sit around and gorge ourselves on that day) or that my dad talks to me only to demand my grades or to say "I thought you were done in the shower, that's why I turned the water off!" (the water was still running, for god's sake), but the fact that routine and the fact that I feel like I'm constantly being watched . . . I feel like that at school too, like someone's always watching me. It's a creepy feeling. But at home, I get all jittery and have nowhere to go, simply because life is a bit like a metaphorical prison here.

My parents argue about the most idiotic things. It's usually some sort of power struggle - my mother being aloof and insisting she's right, while my dad submissively tries to calm her down in a vaguely condescending tone. God. I hope I never have a relationship like them. This is basically because I believe that my mother is a two-faced gossipy whiner who doesn't have any significant life - but then I am a heartless bitch. Man, where is my soul lately?

So . . . yes. I'm a whiner. Whatever.
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