(no subject)

Nov 27, 2006 02:57

This weekend was pretty interesting, if not productive (at all - for seriousness).

My brothers and I are pretty retarded together. One example of this is Christopher's "Dance of Disapproval" he did that consisted of a lot of flapping his hands around and kicking his knees up. My dad saw this and his reaction was kind of funny.

My parents are remodeling the downstairs bathroom. This isn't really exciting. They did, however, find what they dubbed "a funny letter." It was from me, written about fifteen years ago, apparently. I wrote: "I'm sorry I kicked a hole in the wall when I was mad. I owe someone a quarter." Direct quote. I don't remember doing this, but it does kind of sound like me.

Working at Kmart was mildly amusing. We employees were forced to make PA announcements every 30 seconds so naturally I wanted to be creative. I started writing really funny announcements and couldn't force myself not to laugh; Christopher wound up saying the best of my announcements over the PA: "Attention Kmart shoppers. Are you looking for the perfect stocking stuffer this holiday season? Then buy our 32-foot trampoline! Just $199!" I thought "Then buy our five-piece dining set!" would have been funnier, but oh well. I also started wishing customers a "happy non-denominational mid-December holiday celebration!" and they would give me the strangest looks - hey, I'm politically correct.

Amtrak almost lost my bag! When I got off the train, my luggage was not among the luggage they removed at Winona. I went up to the conductor lady as the train was pulling away and said, "My bag is not there!" and they STOPPED THE TRAIN FOR ME. They found my bag and dropped it in the rocks by East Lake. Yay. Got my stuff. I would have been so fucked if they didn't get it to me. All of my chargers and clothing and homework. Man.

Also, I've dyed my hair yet again. And cut it some more. I think it's quite safe to say that this is THE MOST EXTREME my hair has ever looked. Ever. I'm not even kidding. If anyone sees my tomorrow, you'll get what I mean. I'm also starting to move out of the "autumnal colors" phase of my clothing and into what we might call "Candy Raver/New Emo." Whatever. No one cares what my clothes and hair look like.

I've been very boring lately. Must be more exciting. Hair will acheive this.

Must write many papers now.
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