Oct 07, 2008 22:37
well, this is it.
its 10:40pm on my final night as a free man before i return to the ranks of Wage Slave at 7:30am. i should be in bed but i cant let go. i'm honestly depressed, its been an incredible month. i've done a lot, rested a lot, and, best of all, trained like a fiend. i got reacquainted with old friends and even some old tv shows. the o.c., tales from the dark side, and a haunting all became favorite daytime viewing pleasures. listening to antiwar radio with scott horton and watching "chicagos very own" wgn news at noon were enlightening and nostalgic. i was able to go out on the weeknights with some of my very good friends that have been neglected due to intense training and work. most importantly, the point i want to make, i've been able to live as a truly free man.
this society of ours, this monetary based system......she's fucked. and she's slavery. i want all to see but thats another post for another day.
yesterday i went on what i consider to be "the ride that closes the season." it certainly wont be the last time i hop on a bicycle this year and i may possibly even race if i get a 'cross bike built in time. i do 2 'hill' rides in this area with 2 variations on each and yesterday i put it all together in one giant, bonk-inducing, nightmarish 60 mile ride. it was wonderful. 4 gloriously painful hours-just me and my bike. i saw a tarantula. i did it all with energy to spare.
and best of all i hit 50mph on a descent. 50 miles per hour on a bicycle. this has been a personal goal of mine for quite some time. the heavier riders i ride with can hit 50 without a whole lot of effort. but me? i'm a climber. me, my bike, my wheelset, we're all designed to be as light as possible to ascend hills faster than the competition. its an area of strength and i've been working real hard to exploit it. as such, something so light will descend quickly and with great agility, but the top speed may be lacking. i've hit upper 40's many times, been teased so many times with that 50mph carrot dangling right in front of me. and yesterday, on the last descent, of the last ride of freedom, everything was just right and i pedaled down hill to 50.0 miles per hour.
what a way to end the season
what a way to end the summer (i'm in texas, remember)
i'll miss this.