(no subject)

Aug 07, 2008 01:41

-This is awesome.

-So is this.

-And this.  (Would make Nicola Six blush.)

(The letters for the 1st and 3rd - I didn't look at those pertaining to the Walsh column - have been really good.)

-Sometime last week, I was hanging out with a regional buyer-and-seller of used and vintage guitar equipment (he's put together some of my favorite Michigan indie+art rock guitar rigs).  The nature of his work means he comes across other things, too.  (For instance, this Corvette is his.)  For awhile, he was driving a big white van he bought from one of the regional zoos.  It had zebras painted on the side (that he had done his best to scrape off).  When I asked him why he isn't driving it anymore, he said (without a hint of irony or self-deprecation): "I got rid of it because I drive like an asshole and people kept calling the zoo to complain."

(Which was the funniest thing I've heard in awhile.)

Detroit, MI
Aug.5, 2008
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