(no subject)

Apr 16, 2005 13:27

1. We used to be so tight. But I guess we all change. I miss you so much, it's almost unbearable. Although I love seeing you twice a week @ dance! =)
2. We met last year and HATED eachother like no other. Then this year we became best friends. I love you! =)
3. Musical brought us to talking, we would always see eachother at the bus stop but never talked. I am glad I met you!
4. MULTICULTURAL FOODS! Heck yes. We forgot to eat our apples fool! =p
5. You are so amazing. You always manage to cheer me up wether it's just a simple hello or a text message saying how much you cared about me.
6. We have become tight. I miss Spanish last year. Now I just love writing you constant notes and I love you!
7. The first night we met was when you came over and the power went out. Then we hung out a few times then we kinda stopped talking. We are talking again. Sorry everything thats happening right now, I totally understand.
8. Right now, I am pretty upset with you. We are still talking but you know how I feel. Although, I must say we have had some pretty fun times together.
9. I miss you, it's been about 4 and a 1/2 months since we talked. We used to be so tight. =/.
10. You totally messed me up. I hate you. You fucked with my mind too much.
11. I wish we hung out more. We could have so much fun. Sometimes you get me annoyed though.
12. DON'T MOVE TO CALIFORNIA! I would miss you! Bio is great.
13. Your a selfish bitch. I can't believe you would do that to someone. Luckily they have a bond that can not be broken. Suck it.
14. Oh man. It's been like 1 and a 1/2 years since I saw you. You are always there for me though. I love you for that! You also dated one of my best friends =).
15. I am yet to come to one of your "movie nights" haha. It would be fun.
16. You went in my homecoming group. Then some stuff happened and we had a fall out. Now we are back to being great friends! I love you. You and I need to go to Royal Oak to shop.
17. This is 3 people. Dance is mondo fun with you girlies. Break is awesome too!
18. I love you so much. I wish we hung out more. Your taking your roadtest soon. You also left your bathing suit here from last summer!
19. Oh man. I haven't seen you in a while but I love going to visit number 18 with you! What happened to you coming over on Sundays? haha.
20. I miss you mucho. You came and saw Funny Girl. I love you for this! WE MUST HANG OUT SOON. I hope you get to go to Spain!

21. I miss you also. I wish I could come see Music Man. I serenaded you with freaking HENRY STREET! =p
22. You go to Central. We became LJ friends through im_fabulous and you graduated from Groves. You give good advice <3.
23. You dated number 14. You are one of my bestest friends. I love going shopping in Royal Oak with you. Crooked toilet paper is all I am going to say.
24. I love you. You are the best. You are always there for me. You are dating number 7's twin.
25. BALLET FOR LIFE. SZ! haha.
26. Best cousin ever.
27. BAY CITY! I miss you so much. Linda!

I am done with this..

Comment with who you think you are. Comments are screened. If you get what number you are right I will unscreen it. Cross posted to my GJ and my LJ.
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