Sep 25, 2004 13:35
MoreThanMelons: Will?
MoreThanMelons: Hello?
B2Nighthawk3: yes
MoreThanMelons: Its Meghan
B2Nighthawk3: ??
MoreThanMelons: Your cousin
B2Nighthawk3: alright just checking
MoreThanMelons: :D
MoreThanMelons: I got a new screen name
B2Nighthawk3: i can see
MoreThanMelons: Hehehehehe
MoreThanMelons: How are you?
B2Nighthawk3: still sick and i have to go to work later
MoreThanMelons: :-(
MoreThanMelons: Where do you work?
B2Nighthawk3: outback today and arby's on tuesday
MoreThanMelons: Two jobs. Oy. That stinks
B2Nighthawk3: its cool right now
MoreThanMelons: I've been listening to my Maroon 5 cd.
MoreThanMelons: And it makes me miss you
MoreThanMelons: :-(
B2Nighthawk3: how?
MoreThanMelons: Thats the cd we listened to the last time I saw you. When you took me and Kristen to the beach
B2Nighthawk3: ah your right well i miss everyone even you
MoreThanMelons: Thats good
MoreThanMelons: Are you ever gonna come down and see us again?
B2Nighthawk3: when i get some time but other than that its really hard
MoreThanMelons: What about Thanksgiving?
B2Nighthawk3: i might be down there but it depends on if i work
MoreThanMelons: :-(
MoreThanMelons: Well if you haven't been down here by Christmas I am coming up there and hunting you down. Then I will embarass you
MoreThanMelons: >D
B2Nighthawk3: lol...i'd like to see that
MoreThanMelons: xD
MoreThanMelons: I will!!!
MoreThanMelons: Heh. will
MoreThanMelons: xD
MoreThanMelons: Ok. Sorry. I'm done
MoreThanMelons: xP
B2Nighthawk3: lol
B2Nighthawk3: very funny
B2Nighthawk3: hey g2g ttyl...bye
MoreThanMelons: Okies
MoreThanMelons: Bye
MoreThanMelons: :D
B2Nighthawk3 signed off at 1:34:37 PM.