
Aug 03, 2005 22:32

So today I actually went to the beach. This week has consisted of a lot of me listening to music that I do not like, such as Emery, The Starting Line, and...other bad emo bands. But I can deal with it because at night I get to chill to my music, that being...good stuff that I don't feel like typing out now because I'm lazy and I'm in the process of eating Ritz Crackers, which are like heaven in a buttery crispy shell.

Anyway...I really wish I had some *Nsync to rock out to. We all know they were so much better than the Backstreet Boys, and anyone who wants to say otherwise can go to a Backstreet Boys concert. HA. Yeah, what now?

Today Elissa and I watched Save The Last Dance, and I seriously did not realise how white Julia Stiles is. Like, seriously. She may possibly be the whitest woman alive. Well, maybe not, but you know what I mean. Her hair was so dorky and she was so uncool and I nearly died laughing. Oh, that Julia Stiles. Elissa keeps wanting me to say Julia Roberts instead of Julia Stiles.

So now I think we're going to go watch The Notebook...? Which isn't such a bad movie, you know. I thought it was going to be all bad and chick flicky and makes-me-want-to-vomity, but it wasn't.

And just because this entry wouldn't feel right without a mention of Harry Potter, I would just like to say that there better be some GoF pictures of Draco soon or I will...go crazy on the WB's ass. Yeah.
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