Hey, hey. HEY.

Jul 31, 2005 14:31

So I am updating from the beach place! Good times, right? Yeah.

So...I have nothing to say! Except that yesterday was Harry Potter's birthday, and I so forgot. Whatever. Party on, dude (to Harry Potter). I want to bake him a cake, that says, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY JAMES POTTER, EVEN THOUGH IT WAS YESTERDAY AND I WAS A BAD FANGIRL BY COMPLETELY FORGETTING. FORGIVE ME?"
OH MAN. I totally thought today was August 1st. So I can still celebrate Harry Potter's birthday with some cotton candy ice cream. Rock on, HP.

Anyway...so yesterday I was on the boardwalk with Elissa and this guy in front of me threw a ball and it hit my legs, and he turned around and looked into my eyes and said, "I'm sorry!" and I was like, "It's ok, DO ME NOW."

Except I didn't really say that, but you get the point. But seriously. He was extremely attractive, I should have just grabbed him and made out with him right there on the boards.

Take a look at my new icon. The stylin' Mr. Weasley. I made him all shiny, too, so he's now like the stylin' 70's diva Mr. Weasley.

I'm rollin' out now, because this entry is going to get even more pointless if I continue. Peace out?

the beach

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