"There's no need to call me 'sir,' Professor."

Jul 22, 2005 19:31

Lucius Malfoy should write a novel from Azkaban entitled, "Avada Kedavra, Or, How I Lost Favour With the Dark Lord and Other Stories." Or become a gangsta rapper.

Toujours pur means "always pure." I just found this out today when I Google-Language-Tool'd the Black family motto. I think I shall have to adopt it as my own, because we all know that I am always pure. Heh.

Lord Voldemort, the Phantom of the Opera, and Darth Vader all need to go into group therapy. They have serious mommy issues.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was such an enjoyable movie. Willy Wonka had the best voice/laugh ever, it was so weird. But these people behind me in the theatre kept "Aw"-ing at all of these parts that weren't suppose to be cute or whatever. It was extremely annoying, as you can imagine.
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