needless to say, it has been a crazy week.
it was a rough one,
but i am happy with the turnout.
this is only the beginning of a very long journey.
i'll get through it though.
i'm a brave lady.
in the words of NFG:
"what will happen next,
i don't wanna know..."
just an FYI:
i'm going to be posting less.
[you can thank my unnamed and VERY nosy family members for that one]
anyways, i'll leave you with pr00f that i know things will be okay:
1]erinT! and i found an amazing apartment.
2]i'm going to win the oireachtas in november. []
*contact me if you're down for the afterparty @ the hyatt on friday night.
3] i'll be performing irish dance @ crocker park's "liberty fest" tomorrow
[representing claddagh, of course]. come watch. it should be hilarious.
that's all for now.
kthanks. kbye.
<3 <3 <3
ps- thanks again for all of the support.
pss- natalieDEE never lets me down: [IN YOUR FACE!]