State of the Gumshoe Address Winter 2023 edition

Mar 20, 2023 16:39

Looking back it was probably a good thing I cleaned up my room a month early, why? I wouldn't have been able to it on the 11th not when I was sick as I was....For three years I washed my hands, I social distanced, I kept my mask on even though they say it's no longer mandatory and yet SOMEHOW the damn thing managed to find a way to get to me, thankfully the division booked my old supervisor to come in and sub since my supervisor took a leave of absence for the month of March (and we have a serious sub shortage issue, I've been let to my own devices for the entire month of March...I'm not that thrilled about it because sometimes I don't feel motivated when I'm alone), I'm actually alot better now, and I've had many illnesses over the years and yet somehow COVID is nowhere near as bad as the viral infection I had when I was 14 (get vaccinated people it would have been alot worse if I hadn't)

Back in January we had gotten the sad news that the person behind the Game Show Temple Youtube account had passed away from heart related issues, he had been dealing with health issues the last little while and god we had no idea how sick he was (the good news is I managed to salvage all the Carmens he uploaded that had a theme song on it)

also a month ago I just found out one of my default childhood tv stations is going to be rebranded into something I didn't ask for next week, this is something I would have welcomed in the year 2000, but Cartoon Network had GOOD programming on at the time, I will post a eulogy for that network on monday (even though my spring break will be super busy)

and now for a quote in the event the thing I hope will happen tomorrow will happen tomorrow (if he is to believe)...okay so I was off but a little more than a week

"So I got me a pen and a paper, and I made up my own little sign, I said 'Thank You Lord for Thinking 'bout me I'm alive and doing fine'"-Five men electrical band

state of the gumshoe address

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