I haven't posted in a hella long time.

Jan 16, 2007 19:06

Hey, hey everybody.

Life's pretty nice right now.

Workin' 20.5 hours at the food court. Makin' bank. My paycheck = around 550 bucks a month. Should be able to work double that next year so paycheck will = over 1K a month.

This means that the appartment is ON for next year. Woot.

Got great grades, a 3.3 GPA.

Got the car for the rest of forever.

Has three new CD's coming Thursday or Friday.

Has many, many new friends who are super cool (but not as cool as some of you all).

Met a cute guy who's majoring in theater.

Has a small troop of friends in Calculus, we've taken over the first row.

Good times.
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