Bought a new computer today!! Keyboard, mouse, and everything. :3 It's still not hooked up to the internet yet, but the keyboard we bought was a USB keyboard, so i have it hooked up the the Wii so i can type this up :D Pretty awesome, right?
When we got to Best Buy, Mom, Grandma, and I went straight to the computers, while Megan and Shane went to Hot Topic. Mom and I were looking at the labels of computers while Grandma checked the price, since she was the one buying it and all. I wanted a Gateway, not a Dell. That was all i knew. I also knew that i wanted something bigger than 145 GB, which i realized later on that everything we were looking at WAS bigger than 145 GB, so problem solved. Then we got some guy to come help us out. We had been looking at an all-in-one computer, which had no tower, and we asked him what the pros and cons of owning one was. It took him FOREVER to explain. Like, he stuttered a lot, causing his sentences to last minutes. "It's harder to send it in to fix it if something goes wrong" turned into "W-w-well...i-i-if it, uhh, bre-aks, you've g-g-g-gotta...w-w-well...send the whole thing in t-t-to the, uh, p-p-place." -.-' So obnoxious. We ended up picking one with a tower. Then he told us to go find a keyboard and a mouse if we wanted them. So we were looking, and i said i didn't want a wireless keyboard, because if we needed to, we could hook a USB keyboard up to our Wii and type from there. So this other guy, Layn, came out of nowhere. Now, Layn was the complete opposite of the other guy. He was loud, confident, and upbeat. The kind of guy everyone wants to be friends with, pretty much. He helped us find everything we needed. "Yeah, that's a USB keyboard. It's a good one, but if you want a cheaper one, i can go find you one." SO HELPFUL. Once we had everything, we went back and told him we were buying a Gateway tower, which was back next to the other guy. Layn says, "Oh, you guys didn't need to grab those! There's a USB keyboard and mouse right in the box! Didn't you tell them that?"
AND THE OTHER GUY LOOKS AT US AND SAYS "I never told you you had to buy those," and he's laughing at us like we're stupid. Layn kindly offered to take everything we didn't need to buy and put it back for us. We decided to by the wireless mouse, because we were tired of mouse cords getting jammed against the wall. Both boys walk away, and Mom turns around all like "He DID tell us to buy those." He must not've wanted to look stupid in front of Layn or something. >.< He made me angry.
One awesome thing did occur while we were in there. So i saw this guy walk into the store, and he had a mask on. And i was really confused, that is, until i saw the other guy who was with him yell at him and hit him with a light saber. There was a group of people with them, one of them had a camera. XD Yeah, it was pretty awesome. All the Best Buy people gathered around and watched. They didn't get kicked out or anything. Megan says that they had previously been in Hot Topic, and the one guy was grabbing random people, shaking them, and yelling "MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!!" XD So mad i didn't get to see that. They DID get kicked out of there.
When we got home, i set the new computer up all by myself, and made it easier to unhook if we need to. We're going to take the old harddrive in to get all of our shit off it. I refuse to lose my photos and videos. Everything is running okay, but we have to call someone to set up the internet. We had a do-it-yourself setup disc, but it's outdated and won't work with Windows 7.
Everything should be back to normal by the end of the week. :P
New updated Things To Do During Winter Break:
1) reload every CD we own onto computer
2) download iTunes
3) Find new site to watch anime, because the site i had been watching them on is probably the one the virus came from >.<
4) load pictures/videos up
5) play Zelda :D
6) Do everything else i originally intended to do.
Also, i have written 30+ pages of awesome within the past 72 hours :D
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