Oct 30, 2015 02:50
So I'm sat here trying to find something to do. I don't have class tomorrow and all of my homework is due on Tuesday so I could literally do anything right now. I've got Google Drive open in four different tabs, a poem started in Word, Marianas Trench is playing in the background, and like I don't want to do anything except for nap, but I hate napping.
And now I'm irritated with myself for being so tired, even though I knew I would be tired because it was nearing 5:30 this morning when I finally got to bed. Not sure why I was up so late, but I was still a little anxious when I got back from Trevor's thing so that's my best guess.
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I wrote that hours ago. And then I got interrupted by Megan who wanted to video chat with me. But like I waas also irritated because Michaela was in the room and that means I REALLY couldn't nap. And then Landon and Paul came and got us for dinner so I had to leave anyway.
Paul and I watched another Johnny Depp movie called From Hell and it was pretty good. I fell asleep halfway through it and missed a good chunk of the middle. Oops. And thenw e started rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer because that show is beautiful and I love it and wow.
But I'm still hella irritated for no reason. It's because I'm tired. I just showered. I gotta dry my hair and then I think I'm going to take a sleep aid that isn't melatonin because I'd like to stay sleeping. Not sure why I'm writing any of this, it just feels good to write.