Round 01: Challenge 03

Jun 28, 2012 11:01

Here we are with third challenge for this first round about lost! Good luck (:

» use only the pictures I provide you (to use one or more is your choice)
» click on the images to see full size
» your icons must be new, made specifically for this community
» you can enter only ONE icon!
» your icon must fit in the lj standards
» comment to this post with your icon
» everything is allowed but no animations!
» you're allowed to change your entry to deadline
» DEADLINE for this challenge is MONDAY 02 JULY AT 23:00 PM (italy time)

» alexsuami
» apologizeg
» nalazhar
» longerthanwedo
» latemorningicon
» blaanderstark
» luvzcappietau

round 01: challenge 03, round 01

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