Round 02: Challenge 04

Sep 16, 2012 22:12

Here we are with the fourth challenge for round two... good luck everyone!
We decided to give you four images from four different shows every challenge! So everybody will be happy (:

» fandoms: fringe, lost, buffy, pretty little liars
» use only one of the pictures I provide you
» click on the images to see full size
» your icons must be new, made specifically for this community
» you can enter only ONE icon!
» your icon must fit in the lj standards
» comment to this post with your icon
» everything is allowed but no animations!
» you're allowed to change your entry to deadline
» DEADLINE for this challenge is FRIDAY 21 SEMPTEMBER AT 11:00 PM (italy time)

» naginis
» yoli_19
» daydreamshole
» fulminant
» cb_janey
» zestyzorra
» second_love
» xoxoknlove

round 02, round 02: challenge 04

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