Nov 14, 2008 22:36
ok so today was such a good day. it was probably one of the best in my lifee!!
i met kristen stewart and nikki reed! (bella and Rosalie from the movie twilight)
i woke up at 1:30am to start getting ready, we left the school at 3 and got to the garden state mall by like 3:30
there were already like 130 people there! they were all spread out on the ground sleeping.
so me and my two friends (beans and melissa) waited till seven for hot topic to open and bought our shirts and wrist-bands
we were so tired and we were guaranteed our spot in line so we left the mall drove back to school and slept till about 1
then we left the school again at 2 and got to the mall around 2:30
we still had a bunch of time, the signing wasnt till 5 and we didnt really have to start lining up till 4 so we went to Jamba
then we hit up barns and noble for some twilight stuff
we went to get online and it was crazy they had us lined up against a wall in a loading dock.
if you were in the front you were fine but as more and more people showed we got pushed farther and farther back
IT WAS SO HOT!! my hair got messed up
so we waited there for an hour and a half and we finally started moving. i was totally out of my mind by this point
everyone probably thought i was crazy! but i didnt care.
every time we moved i said "WE ARE MOVING!!!!!" I said it about 10 times! ahaha
so when it was our turn to go in i was freaking out, like shaking and smiling haha
i tried to be sneaky and take a picture with my phone i managed to get one, but then this guy comes over and is like "girl in the purple shirt, no pictures." so i put my phone away
i walked up to the table and nikki was first so i was like "HIIIIIII!!!" and she was like "HIIII!!"
then i did the same thing to kristen. i also could not shut up
i was like thank you for coming, it means so much! and i told kristen that i thought she was the perfect bella.
she put that face on the one were she looks at a loss of words but said thank you.
she also told me she liked my shirt!!!
then nikki said something like i hope you dont hate me as rosalie... and i was like "OH MY GOD NOOOO, YOUR GORGEOUS, YOU BOTH ARE! and beans said that she was perfect. they said thank you again and then i said thank you like a million more times until i was pushed out the door.
after i was just yelling and skipping but we had to get to the Q&A fast to get a good spot so we ran upstairs.
then waited another hour and a half the girls finally showed up but they only answered like 2 questions!
when they were saying their goodbyes i told beans and melissa to follow me they grabbed my bag and i acted like a human plow and pushed through everyone to get outside to see them.
this was the craziest part as soon as they came outside the whole crowed rushed toward them it was scary!
after that i could see how kristen could be like she is with the fans, i thought i was crazy, THEY ARE CRAZY! i would never do that to someone. i wish you could see it. INTENSE thats all i can say