Arg! in the course of 15 minutes I've become super pissed off!! Anthony sent me some pictures online and I went to type a response and 1/4 of my keys wouldn't type AT ALL so I freaked out and he told me to re-start but that didn't help.
Now you ask how I'm typing his entry if the keys don't work??! Well I stole back our old OLD Gateway keyboard from my sister [who had it in her room for some reason???] and hooked it up so TA DA! I can type again.. Unfortunetly this keyboard plugs into to a USB port [which I can only reach the two in front] instead of the back like the original one. *sigh* So one more cord hanging in my way. But whatever it works. If anyone knows what might be wrong with this thing please tell me cause I want my old keyboard back!! This one sounds funny when I type!
Soooo besides that sucking ass while I'm talking to Anthony the phone beeps and it's my Grandma [It didn't even sound like her so I hope she doesn't think I was being rude!!!] but she got her gallbladder removed today and her "friend"/neighbor Sherry was supposed to take her to the hospital this morning and picking her up.. but the stupid ass lady didn't get up in time and didn't answer when my Grandma called her so she drove herself.. so now she's stuck there [cause she can't drive home after being in surgery] so my mom and sister have to drive to Painsville then back to her house way out there past Madison [for those who have no clue where any of this is... it's really pretty far] I'm soo pissed about this stupid woman.. My Grandma needs to move sooner than later to get away from her... She's such a leach...arrgg NO ONE TAKES ADVANTAGE OF MY GRANDMA she's too much of a sweet/nice/awesome/friendly/caring lady.
Anthony just sent me this and it made me feel alitte better cause it's soooooo damn cute!