Clementine Gerbie
Clementine [on top] cuddling with her sister
I came downstairs alittle bit ago to give the gerbils some tubes to chew on.. and I pop one into Levi & Clem's tank.. I see Levi pop her head up but no Clem... then I realize what I thought was just some bedding and tissue was Clementine.. just laying there... so ofcourse I tried to touch her so she'd move... but she was all layed out and stiff..I don't know when this happened.. they were both alive and well lastnight before I went to bed.. and when I got up this morning they were both in their nest.. Both of them couldn't be more than 2... I got them about a year 1/2 ago.. so not even 2. My mom had to pick her up for me cause I just couldn't do it..
Levi seems to be perfectly fine.. other than the fact that her sister is gone.. and she knows something is wrong.. and the other 2 tanks or gerbils are all okay.
What makes this really hard for me is that I've been sick the last week and I wasn't playing with them for fear of them getting sick.. so only my sister played with them since last friday.. so I didn't even get to hold her before this happened...
I have no clue what could have happened.. my mom said she looked normal.. no blood, she wasn't skinny.. but she did tell me that lastnight while I was at work she gave them freshwater and Clem looked alittle scruffy? and that she was just sitting in the corner eating.. but she seemed fine.. she was moving normal and eating/drinking..