Hey guys. Yesterday was horrible and today is even worse. I went over 1 CENT on my card a few days ago and owe a $35 late fee. It also says that I took a transfer from my account for paypal on the 28th..which I didn't and there's no history of it..So I owe ANOTHER $35 on top of the $10 late fee for the past 2 days not knowing about it. The bank lady wouldn't let me come in and give them a lowsy penny to take off one of my fees..Fantastic!
I see how to open up a buyer disupute..but anyone ever have a instant transfer they never did disputed and solved?
I marked down everything in my shop again. These prices will last up until tomm. night. Thanks in advance to any LJers that may make a purchase!
http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5262757 ...I need to get a real job!